Shared on Tue, 04/26/2016 - 08:24So over the past few years I've had some friends pass away from various things but I still have them on my facebook friends list. I was thinking the other day should I take them off the list ? I'm kinda at odds with that cause I can't talk to them like that anymore and going to their pages just to stare at the pictures just seems very weird in a sense. I'm not the type of person to go visit a cemetery to see friends I've always just remembered them and spoken about with others, so is wrong for me to remove them from my friends list? For the record growing up and getting older sucks sometimes
- GUL74's blog
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Submitted by CiaranORian on Tue, 04/26/2016 - 16:26
Dunno man its a tough call.
Submitted by GUL74 on Tue, 04/26/2016 - 17:34
Yeah exactly man , they're still my friends just not living anymore
Submitted by badmin on Wed, 04/27/2016 - 00:06
Wow that is a tough call. Hard choice either way and im not sure what id do
Submitted by GUL74 on Wed, 04/27/2016 - 09:20
I'm still throwing this around in my head maybe I'll just let it be for a long while . I guess it's not something to make a quick decision on
Submitted by shamrogue on Wed, 04/27/2016 - 14:44
That is a tough one, and I don`t know what the answer is for you.
I still have them on my friends list, just can`t justify removing them. Because if I do and change my mind down the road, they will not be able to accept a friend request and all is lost. Put them in a different friends list. (just don`t call it deceased, it could look weird).
Got a new phone last year and transferred my numbers over, the misses asked why I kept numbers for friends who had passed, an all I could say was "cause their my mates".
Submitted by GUL74 on Wed, 04/27/2016 - 15:49
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Fri, 04/29/2016 - 06:41
I have a similar situation with friended gamer tags. When I come across an old (deceased) friends GT, I think about them for a moment. It usually makes me feel good to honour them in this small way.
Eventually I won't remember who they were and delete them. I guess that's okay too.
Submitted by GUL74 on Fri, 04/29/2016 - 17:54
One guy I went to high school with he died only like 3 years ago left a 5 yr old daughter behind he had multiple health issues . My other friend I knew from my early 20's baby sat her kid who are now in their 20's she died from 4 brain tumors and breast cancer in 2012..(I feel old)..lol My friend who just died was someone who I worked with kept saying he had to quit smoking ..stage 4 cancer ...Just sad in a lot of areas ..well I'll just think on this one for a long while thanks for responding everyone hope you're all doing well