So we are on our way to a Vancover, BC this weekend! Family road trip! Sadly, I wish I had time to maybe visit a couple game studios and try to sneak in but this will be a quick trip for the House o Soup! All of a sudden I feel a little like Clark Griswold just without Christie Brinkley in a red Ferrari and Wally World as our destination. No matter, the trip through the Canadian Rockies is always scenic enough for me and the promise of the ocean seems to invigorate my girls. As I write this, the souplets are plugged in and watching Netflix and or listening to K -Pop, Mrs. Soup is driving so I get to sit back, relax and write about this week’s new releases. Let’s get to it!
Oh I almost forgot...Happy 150th Birthday Canada (July 1st) and Happy 241st Birthday USA.

That's You!
Platform: PS4
Release Date: July 4th, 2017
Free with Playstation Plus, That's You! is a party game that you can play with your smart phone, tablet or a controller. If was 25 again this might be fun after a few drinks...maybe. Maybe a few more than few.