All winter long I was bitching about all the snow we had up here. Thankfully, we finally saw the last of it back in April but it has been drier than a popcorn fart ever since! June is our rainy month and whie we had a little rain last week it wasn't enough. I am not complaining, as I loved the warm weather but I kind of count on rainy days to play games. That being said, I have had some time to play the new expansion for Destiny 2, still working my way through Forza 7 and I jump into Monster Hunter from time to time as well.
The biggest surprise for me during May was the time I spent playing Fortnite. Games like Fortnite are not my forte. The fact I have played probably close to 10 hours of it during May and have not killed a single person speaks for itself. I typically last a while as I gather resources and weapons for as long as I can before racing the storm eye to the circle. I actually find it rather fun which is a big surprise for me given how bad I suck at it.
I took a look at the releases this week and was shocked to see so many! Usually the week before E3 is nothing but shovelware (if that) but this week has some triple A games coming your way! Let’s take a look.
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: June 5th , 2018
I have a fondness for vehicle combat games. I may offend those of you sim racing purists but arcade racers like ONRUSH fill a need as well. Take that need and fill it with a game developed by racing legend studio CodeMasters and you could have an awesome hit in your hands!
The Elder Scolls Online: Summerset
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: June 5th, 2018
Released a couple weeks back for PC and Mac, ESO:Summerset comes to consoles this week. One of the larger expansions for the game opens up Summerset isles. You have to use cold hard cash for this one and not crown points. The good news is for those who may want to get into the game, the previous Morrowind expansion just became free with the base game!
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: June 5th, 2018
Winner of this week's “Most words tacked onto the end of a game name” award goes to Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr. Everytime I go to the movies I walk past this store that sells Warhammer games and figurines and such. They have tables set up to play and there are always dudes in there playing. I have never gone in. The warhammer universe is huge, this I know, but it is also confusing as all get out. There are games for every genre and W4K:I-M plays in the action RPG camp...Diablo style. I have a few Warhammer games in my Steam library but have never installed them. The franchise fascinates me but I have never been able to get into it. The trailer does look pretty cool though!
ShaqFu: A Legend Reborn
Platforms:PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One
Release Date: June 5th, 2018
Why?!?! Why would anyone think to bring back ShaqFu?! At least they acknowledge in the trailer that the first one sucked. I know they are trying to make this one better but still…..why?!?!?
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Release Date: June 5th, 2018
If you were a doctor who believed in the hypocratic oath you took, how would you rationalize what you need to do to stay alive when you become a Vampire (Vampyr). This new RPG from Life is Strange developer Dontnod Entertainment looks dark as hell. Vampyr won a number of awards at last year's E3 and it is nice to see it is launching before this years!