Coffee Memoirs: Happy Easter gaming connoisseurs. Spring is blossoming and finally becoming Spring… making us evaluate our gaming vs outdoor priorities. Maybe its not a choice with all the adulting we need to do.. mow the lawn, prep the sprinkler system and flying drones over sunbathing cuties… err, no… not that last one but in my youth that would have been a higher priority if we had drones back then.
So yeah, this may seem like a late April fool’s by the way I start the games list out but it’s worth the mention.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Release Date: April 20, 2022
Platforms: Switch
Classic status. Originally developed for the PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360 and released back in September of 2008. How does this reincarnation hold up? Anything different? Was there a dueling mode? Did you have motion controls? Enjoy, AGAIN.
Release Date: April 21, 2022
Platforms: PS5, XSX
Survival horror, rpg in radioactive hell. There are some not so fun reoccurring tasks that you do in game and lots of decisions to make along the way. With a hint of groundhogs day...
Release Date: April 21, 2022
Platforms: PC Windows
What is this voxels you speak of? If you like blowing things up and destructible environments… it might just be like the candy that came out after Easter that you have a hard time getting enough of. It looks a lot like a heist that you have a limited amount of time to pull off once you start the objectives but you have unlimited time leading up to it. Looks fun to me!
Oh drones, where were you in my youth? I still want my flying car too. Until next time!