Halo 3 Clan Support And Longevity

We got in touch with Frankie at Bungie and asked them a few questions about rumors on Halo 3 clan support and how they expect to keep Halo 3 running as long as their last franchise title.

How does Microsoft expect Halo3 to have the longevity of Halo2 without clan support?

Halo 3 is going to have far more longevity than Halo 2, thanks to new features like Forge, Saved Films, player traits, custom game variants and online co-op. Clan support not only had little to do with Halo 2s longevity, but in fact proved quite unpopular relative to other matchmaking types and activity. That said, Bungie.net does plan to increase support for clan-like activities in the very near future. More news on that later.

Does Xbox Live have anything in the works as a solution to remedy the lack of "clan support" for Halo 3?

Xbox Live continues to upgrade features and specifications. It is possible that community functionality will be improved in the future. This question may be better answered by the Xbox Live team.

Why has a solution taken so long when we have already had three fall/spring updates?

Frequent, low-impact updates are one of the luxuries of Xbox Live, improving features and functionalities with little impact to the seamless player experience.

What is the issue with extending the FL past 100 people?

This question may be better answered by the Xbox Live team.
Needless to say, our next job is to find someone on the Xbox Live team and see if we can fill in the gaps for the areas we're still questioning.

However, this explains why "clan support" was left out, it's just not a top selling feature for the Halo franchise.

Before you freak out, remember, 2old2play is a highly advanced "clan based" community, so consider yourself in the minority for features like this. With so many buddies that love the system it's hard to understand why others wouldn't... but those "others" are probably a larger demographic than we are.

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