For those of you running Firefox 3 Beta 3, the 2old2play Toolbar has been updated to fully support the latest in Firefox-y goodness...
This is a minor release of the 2old2play Firefox Toolbar, and adds full support for Firefox 3 Beta 3.
Download the 2old2play Firefox Toolbar v3.1
As always, please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, etc.
Version 3.1
February 25, 2008
Changes include:
Updated for Firefox 3.0 Beta 3 compatibility
Version 3.0
October 8, 2007
Changes include:
Rewrote entire networking portion to use non-blocking advanced ajax calls. This means when 2old2play is down the browser will no longer hang
Updated new videos dropdown to link to latest YouTube videos tagged with 2old2play , since we no longer host videos locally
Version 2.2
October 4, 2006
Changes include:
Added dropdown for latest videos
Added Settings --> Notification options choice for New Videos
Version 2.1
September 26, 2006
Changes include:
Minor update to make the toolbar Firefox 2.0 compliant
Version 2.0
July 25, 2006
Changes include:
Boss-key: Pressing F12 will instantly close all of your 2old2play.com tabs. Pressing F12 again will bring them back.
Alternate boss-key mode: Settings --> Boss-key Behavior has an option to just open a new tab with your homepage and switch to that instead of closing tabs.
Hide toolbar option: Settings --> Boss-key Behavior has an option to also hide the toolbar in addition to the tabs themselves
Blogs dropdown added. 6 Most recent blog entries are available via the dropdown menu.
Notification added. From Settings --> Notification Options you can now select to be notified of new News, Podcasts, Magazine Issues and Blog postings (if you are using Icons or Text & Icons). When the toolbar refreshes the icon will change if there are new items in the categories you selected.
Animated notification icons. Enabled by default, or you can set them to static icons in Settings --> Notification Options
Mark all as read: Under Settings --> Notification options you can choose to mark all "new" items as read without having to click on each of them
In Settings --> Display Preferences there is now an option to have all of your toolbar links opened in new tabs instead of the current tab
In Settings --> Refresh Interval there is now an option to always show the refresh button, not just when you have Manual Refresh selected.
Now that there are notification icons, if you have Icons Only mode chosen, there is no longer text next to the Messages icon. The icon will change if you have new messages.
Site Navigation button renamed SiteNav.
Version 1.2
June 29, 2006
Changes include:
New version notification. Toolbar will now let you know when a new version is available.
Icon added to "Site Navigation" button for true "icons only" viewing
Podcast dropdown now lists dates with each podcast entry
Magazine dropdown now lists the issue month
Site Navigation dropdown now has flyouts for all public forums
Site Navigation dropdown now has Tournaments / Ladders flyout for all aspects of ladders, including login box for team management
Version 1.1
June 23, 2006
Changes include:
Improved overall look of toolbar
Added Settings menu with configurable refresh time and button options
Updated code for better handling of hung updates when the site is unreachable
Version 1.0
June 19, 2006
Initial release
This is a minor release of the 2old2play Firefox Toolbar, and adds full support for Firefox 3 Beta 3.
Download the 2old2play Firefox Toolbar v3.1
As always, please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, etc.
Version 3.1
February 25, 2008
Changes include:
Version 3.0
October 8, 2007
Changes include:
Version 2.2
October 4, 2006
Changes include:
Version 2.1
September 26, 2006
Changes include:
Version 2.0
July 25, 2006
Changes include:
Version 1.2
June 29, 2006
Changes include:
Version 1.1
June 23, 2006
Changes include:
Version 1.0
June 19, 2006