After years of being the best destination for older gamers to meet and play games, 2old2play is ready to open its doors to members of all ages! Now it doesn't matter if you are 12 or 121.
We felt this change was needed as 2old2play became so much more then just a gaming site for older gamers. It's news, blogs, forums, clans, and quite honestly the age requirement only got in the way. Now you can play with screaming teens, whiny toddlers, or old folks like yourself. It's almost like playing online before you even found 2old2play, but with even more flame wars!
The real plus to the new change is not only the increase in traffic and new members, but I personally can play with new members my own age. For the longest time it was hard finding other 16 year old peers on the site I created, but no longer will I have to hide this burden. Plus with the millions of dollars I make on 2o2p each month, I can now afford to buy other sites like 1up and ign to merge our great brand with theirs.
So thanks to everyone that has made me rich, all the old people that bought my tale of a older gamers utopia and to all my high school friends that are modding this site today. Welcome Timmy!