John Diamonon of Capcom in a recent interview with the folks over at MTV Multiplayer gave a little glimpse into how Capcom determines which of their properties get the re-make love: They watch the second-hand market on eBay.
Diamonon stated, “Sometimes we see games on eBay, and that’s how you see what games people are willing to spend $80 on, it’s certainly not the only thing we do … but sometimes we look there to assess the market value of a game.”
Diamonon was quick to make clear that the also listen to their fanbase about which retro IPs they would like to see re-made and/or updated.
Capcom is in the middle of a retro-revival right now, with the recent release of Commando 3 and the release later this year of Bionic Commando Rearmed and Super Street Fighter II HD Remix on Xbox Live, as well as a completely new Bionic Commando title and highly anticipated Street Fighter IV. So if you want a Capcom game to appear on Xbox Live or see a new release, start selling and buying them off of eBay!