More Chicago Lan Updates

In case you have not purchased your tickets for the Chicago Lan party, the ticket sales have increased to $95 dollars as of July 1st. If you intend on going, please remember that the final price jump will occur on August 1st two weeks before the event.

That means if you still want to save yourself $10 you can do so throughout the month of July. With over 80 tickets sold to date, we have more people going then any other LAN before so it is shaping up to be one hell of an event. Tickets can be purchased on the Chicago Lan page from the link below.

Things to Remember

A lot of members are asking what they should remember to bring for the LAN or what extras might be needed to make this LAN a success. The most important thing you guys can bring is your consoles and games. Obviously there will not be enough screens for each and every person at the lan, but so long as we have about a 2 to 1 ratio of screens to players we generally have more then enough. This relies heavily on members bringing their consoles and games! We suggest all driving members and even some that are flying should try to bring a console. It is paramount for the success of the LAN

As for the games, it seems that many members are looking to play Halo 3, COD 4, Rainbow Six, Rock Band, and Gears of War. Most of the screens should be covered with 1 of those 5 games so if you have those as well, feel free to bring them along.

As for extras, it doesn't hurt to bring things like laptops, camera, cables cat5, power strips, switches, hubs, and anything else geeky you can think of. Generally we like to have at least one projector as well so if anyone has one available please let me know via email or in the comments section below.

Ticket Holders that Cannot Attend

I have also been receiving a lot of emails about ticket holders that will not be able to attend the event, and what they should do with the tickets. You can transfer the ticket to another 2old2play member so long as I have all the information needed from them. This includes:

  1. Their Full Real Name
  2. Their Gamer Tag
  3. Your Full Name
  4. Your Gamer Tag

Please send the information to me via email at and I'll try to get the tickets switched over as soon as possible. Make sure you hear back from me before you sell off the ticket to another member. That new ticket holder just needs to remember to bring his or her ID to the LAN and will be able to get in from there.

As always if you have any other questions, ideas, or comments about the LAN please feel free to ask in the Chicago Lan forum on the main forums of 2old2play. See you all in August!

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