Microsoft Explains Why Bungie Annoucement Was Cut

This morning the LA Times has an article in their tech section explaining just what happened yesterday with Bungie's disappearing announcement.

Don Mattrick, Senior Vice President of Microsoft’s Xbox games, said that Bungie’s and Rockstar’s content were both pulled from their presentation to cut the time it ran from 2½ hours down to 90 minutes because “We had an embarrassment of riches.” Mattrrick further went on to explain that Microsoft felt that they could do Bungie and their game “more justice with a more dedicated event.”

So the announcement of Bungie’s new game will just have to wait for another game show or press event of Microsoft’s design, though with the interview that MTV snagged the cat may be out of the bag on what Bungie’s working on. Unsaid was whether Microsoft was letting E3 be about their next big game, Gears of War 2 and worry that any announcement from Halo’s Bungie would overshadow and obscure everything else at their press event.

Looks like Halo fans (which is about 90% of 2old2play) will have to wait just a bit longer to find out more about this, not so secret, secret new project.

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