By now most know 2old2play's community is very caring when it comes to helping out a fellow community member. Without asking, someone takes up the torch to bring happiness into the lives of our friends in need.

Our community has continued to support JollyRoger with hopes, prayers, assistance and positive thoughts when it comes to his lovely daughter Megan. Megan has Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, a life altering disease that, currently, has no known cure; it can be slowed, but science has not developed a solution. Mitochondria are responsible for creating more than 90% of the energy needed by the body to sustain life and support growth. Without proper working Mitochondria the body begins to fail as less energy is generated within the cells of the body, severely compromising ones way of life, often leading to death.
2old2play can't cure Mitochondrial Disease, but there are other ways we can help. Armada99, one of our prized community members, has taken the initiative to support Megan's cause by donating time and his own money to create Buttons for Megan. He's not asking to recover the cost of producing the buttons, so all proceeds go to the cause: raising money for Megan.
How do I help?
Donate USD $10.00 to Buttons for Megan and you'll be sent three buttons marked with the support website AskMeAboutMegan.com, an in-development support website about Megan and her Mitochondrial Disease. Your donation goes to helping JollyRoger and his family: a wife, two boys and Megan through the trials of their everyday life.
What is the goal?
The money raised won't cover all their medical needs, but allowing them to pay less attention to finances for a little while or to take a trip somewhere with the family and help them mentally cope with life's challenges. With a daughter needing so much care and attention it's tough to remember you've got two boys that need love too, the struggle is more than just medication but balancing a busy life and giving time to all your families needs.
It should be our goal to raise as much money for Megan and her family as possible. You don't have to stop at USD $10.00, you can buy as many buttons as you want. There are very few families that can fully understand how hard it can be to watch your child handle a disease like this, having to bring your child to the ER for a common cold or cough; living with the fact that your future is handled on a day-by-day basis can be a nightmare.
Once you've had a child you understand how parents put everything aside for their family. There is absolutely nothing you won't give to protect your young ones--even your own life. Imagine feeling near powerless to protect them and having only your faith and the help of others to get you through each and every day.
While you sit at work on a stressful day asking yourself, "why do I do this?" or look through your bills struggling to manage your income, keep in mind there are people out there hoping and praying their family stays safe and secure for years to come. Go home, give you child a kiss and be thankful for each day you have with them. Everyone hopes their children will out live them, we can hope the same upon JollyRoger and his family.
We at 2old2play thank Armada99 for initiating this and are humbled that we didn't think of it ourselves. Remember, you don't have to be 25 or older to help out, anyone can stand out in the crowd.