Get your BR's loaded and prepare yourself for Season 2 of the MML Halo Tournament. This season we have some new changes and twists. Hope you're ready.
Last year I started the Halo 3 Mini Me League and it was a huge success. We had ten teams and ten General Managers for a total of 60 people in the league. This was the first 2o2p league where players from all skill ranges were welcome to join and play together. We accomplished this by having everyone sign up and then utilizing a "snake draft." This eliminated stacked teams and ensured everyone had a chance to play and had fun. The GM’s of each team had to make trades which changed the whole dynamic of the league and added an element of strategy to the tactical battles fought on game nights.
This season we are hoping even more members check us out and join in the festivities, we are hoping to double our teams from 10 to 20 this season! We are bringing back full sortable stats for every player, player points that you gain after every win or loss, weekly MVP’s, and season ending awards!
This time around we are introducing some things we didn’t fully have time to delve into last season:
- Weekly top ten plays
- Divisional play
- MML Hall of Fame
At the end of the season the first division v. division game where the top GM’s from each division will coach their MML Average Joe team.
We are making some minor tweaks to some of the rules to ensure everything runs smooth again. We have also split the games almost evenly this year between Major League Gaming type games and non-MLG games. Player favs like like lowball, swat, and many more will be included in the non-MLG gametypes.
If all of this hasn’t got you excited about MML Season 2 then watch the MML Ad video made by our very own Bioslayer!
So now your probably asking yourself, where do I sign up?
Your first stop is to read the rules here
The sign up thread for the league is here
We look forward to new-members and welcome returning MML'ers. Remember, the idea is to meet other 2o2p Halo players and to have fun, so bring those winning attitudes and get ready for some fun!