MW2 -- The A.D.D. First-Impression Multiplayer Review

Just the first in our MW2 media extravaganza (if "extravaganza" can be used in reference to two or three articles at the most). K. Thx. Bai.

Upon starting up my first game, I immediately noticed the lushness and detail of color through out the map nooks and crannies. Where other games I have played have slimmed down objects and the way you interact with them in order to push performance, this game gives you an almost too-crowded landscape chock full of level detail. Call outs are difficult because where plants were the only way and significant objects to call out the plant shop in MW1, here there are myriads avenues of identification for every where you go. The color palette looks as if it is richer and broader in spectrum, but lacking the sharp definition of its predecessor's starker lines. All in all this is the next generation in what to expect in games more level detail and more color for your enjoyment.

The game play is as smooth as MW1. I had time to delve into the assault rifle classes and they impress. Well balanced, to the effect there is no uber weapon, and all are capable without much effort to kill close and afar. The secondary has been expanded to the nth degree. Machine pistols, shotguns, launchers, and pistols can be selected from which gives the sniper class a much needed respectable backup. All these (except launchers) are upgradable through attachments. The class customization in this game is ridiculous. I am a bit overwhelmed still and am taking it all in. For every perk there is a counter perk or attachment, and that spells very specific roles that can be tailored via class customization. Whether it be a hi-speed sprinter class with extra sprint for flag grabbing or a ghost with no footsteps, heat signature or muzzle flash.

The custom kill streaks are sweet. But, Halo and Gears players will wonder at how all these kpd's are possible, and here's why: In this game, managing equipment and kill streaks is just as important as personal performance and can net you a better kpd than trying to out-play other players. Where juggling copters has been fixed from MW1 (holding your copter from a previous death would count for future chopters kills) and losing kill streak bonuses by having another one take its place permanently, they are replaced in my opinion by blotting out the sky with harriers, copters and ac 130s. At one point I had two harriers (one care package) and a Pavelow at the same time all within 30 seconds of calling them in.

Does this hurt the game? No, not necessarily, These are free for you to get as well and are can help finish a lop-sided game. But savvy players will have a cold-blooded class with stingers to piss off the the guy calling the air in. The rewards are yet to be played out and discovered. You are able to unlock and identify yourself with titles and badges that are accumulated by a certain number of deeds or major events you accomplish. This is nice and should be a good way to set yourself apart from the crowd.

All in all, I love this game. But I am still reeling over the unlockable perks, weapon attachments, and rewrd titles. It's almost a bit much too take in. Almost.

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