In an effort to make V3 even better we have decided to merge all relevant clans with each other in order to get members to meet new gamers and members!
What does this mean for my Clan?
The idea is actually quite simple. Let's say you have a clan that primarily plays Call of Duty. Come V3 any and all other Call of Duty clans will be merged with your current clan. This allows us to bring people together who may have not had the chance to meet one another while also lowering the amount of small groups and forums which currently cause a lot of clutter on the site. Clans who initially had 10-18 members now have access to upwards of 300+ members via the new merged clan.
What if we don't want to merge?
While personalities can some times cause issues in the realm of clan vs clan we feel that the best option moving forward is to ensure that members have the maximum amount of connections with other members of the site regardless of their likes or dislike of one another. In time our hope is that members will be able to enjoy the company of gamers with similar gaming interests without the need to have a personal connection. As such our plan moving forward is to make these merges mandatory in order to create a unified 2old2play.
Can we see an example of a merge?
Sure. As i said above clans with "like" gaming interests will be the ones going through the merge. In this instance lets take a CoD clan like Pork Chop Platoon. They share a similar gaming interest with clans like Article 15. These two clans would then be merged into 1 clan of Call of Duty players. From there this clan would be a single entity of all CoD clans on 2old2play.
What other plans do you have with the merges?
In the future our plan is to broaden merges even more in order to create a larger pool of gamers for members to play with. For instance the Call of Duty only clan could merge with the Halo 3 clan because they are both shooters. From there the Shooters (or FPS clan) could merge with the Xbox 360 clan, while that clan would merge with the PS2 clan. Finally all clans would merge into a single clan called the Off Topic clan with one single forum.
Question or comments
I'm sure you all are super excited to get these merges underway and plan for the future of your new mega clans, but please understand that my time is limited with the planning of V3. As such i will not be able to answer any questions via PM or chat. Thanks and I look forward to play games with you all!