I have been playing video games since the late 70s, and they have taught me some very important lessons that I surely would have missed otherwise:
- Just because you find a loaded shotgun in a police station you shouldn't necessarily use it there.
- A person can safely fall from any height as long as there is some hay to land in.
- Eating wild mushrooms will give the consumer a myriad of beneficial effects.
- If your car flips over, just floor the accelerator and the car will right itself shortly.
- A 95 lb Japanese person can wield a 200 lb sword with ease.
- Children are indestructible and cannot be harmed by magic or bullets.
- Should you ever find yourself riddled with bullets, just drink some water and eat a bag of potato chips, because they are nature's surgical team.
- You can tell if a person is a boss because the music will get faster when you see them.
- Red barrels are filled with explosives, proceed with caution.
- Hostile planets have the best loot.
So what things have you learned from video games? Let us know in the comments below!
Note: This story was republished from 2012 and is a part of our "blast from the past" series.