Thanksgiving is still a few days away, unless you live in Canada and already had it, or live in some other country and don’t give a damn about Thanksgiving, but the stars of Black Friday are arriving this week. Several AAA titles dominate the list this week, but there are a few hidden gems on this list that no one will like, or play. Wow, the intro really suffers when you have a long list. Let’s get to it.
Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom
Release Date: November 18
Platform: 3DS
This top-down game departure either indicates that developers are exploring new ways to present the Adventure Time universe or they are working on a greatly reduced budget. Judging from the ‘made in the garage’ feel of the trailer I’m going with the latter.
Company of Heroes: Ardennes Assault
Release Date: November 18
Platform: PC[width=650,height=366]
Just in time for the holidays...a WWII shooter for the PC. Lucky you.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: XB1, 360, PS4, PS3, PC[width=650,height=366]
Bioware could have made another KOTOR 3, Mass Effect 4, or Baldur’s Gate III, but they made this instead. It has dragons, as the name implies.
Escape Dead Island
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: PS3, 360, PC[width=650,height=366]
Dead Island 2 looks like it may have some potential, I wish I could say the same for this last-gen, graphically confused weirdo. Escape Dead Island needs to pick one style or're not Quintin Tarantino. Does anyone else find it odd that Dead Island 2 will actually be the fourth game? Whatever, I’m waiting for some reviews before I blow the dust off my 360 for another Dead Island game.
Far Cry 4
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: XB1, 360, PS4, PS3, PC[width=650,height=366]
Far Cry has finally moved away from island life and set up shop in Tibet, or at least some place that looks like Tibet. As good a the two Far Cry 3 games were, I’m very excited about #4. Plus they have elephants...elephants, I said!
Grand Theft Auto V
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: XB1, PS4, PC[width=650,height=366]
So, is this the same game that snatched 2o2p’s GOTY 2013 honors? Well, kinda. Add a graphical update, all kinds of extra missions, and first person goodness and there may be enough here to warrant a fresh purchase on a current console.
Hatsune Miku-Project Diva-F 2nd
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: PS3, Vita[width=650,height=366]
What the fuck did I just watch? I would never review a game solely on a trailer, but that game is going to suck...probably.
The Jackbox Party Pack
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: XB1, PS4, PS3[width=650,height=366]
A five-in-one collection of party games, including You Don’t Know Jack 2015, Fibbage XL, Drawful, Lie Swatter and Word Spud. Sounds like a party, just add friends and tequila. If you don’t have friends, add more tequila.
LittleBigPlanet 3
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: PS4, PS3[width=650,height=366]
The third numbered installment of the popular Sony exclusive series, but with a bit of Fry and Laurie (see what I did there?)
Never Alone
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: XB1, PS4, PC[width=650,height=366]
This one has already won several awards and appears to be a good argument for the ‘video games as art’ argument. Kleenex sold separately. This game is also presented in several different ways, graphically, and even though I made fun of Escape Dead Island for the very same thing just a few short moments ago, it feels like a better fit here.
Rollers of the Realm
Release Date: November 18
Platform: PS4, Vita[width=650,height=366]
A Pinball RPG adventure game. This isn’t the merging of a couple of genres: it’s a grand collision. I’m not sure if I’m anticipating this game or if I’m apprehensive about it, but I’m going to give it a shot.
Super Smash Bros.
Release Date: November 21
Platform: WiiU[width=650,height=366]
A WiiU game so big it will move gamers, it will move will move consoles.
Release Date: November 18
Platform: WiiU[width=650,height=366]
It looks a lot like the game I played on XB1...hooray for console parity!
WWE 2K15
Release Date: November 18
Platforms: XB1, PS4[width=650,height=366]
Get your wrassle on, brother!