Shared on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 20:57I have been playing video games for a long.Hell I can remember when I thought Pong was a cool game.I even remember when Atari first showed up, I pushed Pong to the side just so I could get my arcade game fix.So the graphics werent all that great but I was able to play Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Joust, Donkey Kong, Frogger, and Pole Postion.I just had to play those games someplace, somehow.Then my parents game me and my brothers a Intellivision gameing console after we begged them for years for an Atari 2600.
In a way it was better the graphics wasnt all that much better but some of the games I was playing on it were, I had access to games like Dungeons and Dragons, and a Space Invader clone, which for the life of me I cant remember.The controllers were state of the art to for it, I mean gone were the days of thinking a controller with a single button or a knob and a side trigger was state of the art and hard to get used to.The Intellivisions controller was like a touch tone telephones dial pad.You had little plastic covers that slid into the controller over the dial pad to have more interactivity with the game.A disc that work as the first analog controller ever put into use of a console.Two side buttons on each side of the controller to further trip you up in a game, like playing Football or Baseball on it.The little slip covers for either game used to piss me off so much because they kept falling out when I need them the most.
Then comes the Colleco Vision with games like Popeye, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, all looking like they did at the arcades, I was so amazed on how well they looked like their orginal cabinet incarnations.I craved these games even more I wanted them so badly to play at home that I just couldnt stand it.But as usual when this new high tech console came out it was way to expensive to own.So for years I continued to play my suck ass Intellivision with the ever thinning game library because of Collecos console offering game makers a better way to make their visions to come true.Then the console that changed the face of all gameing came out and I managed to have it all.
That console blew everyones mind when the commercial first appeared showing this weird robot that was playing a game with the player.The Nintendo Entertainment System has arrived with a optional robotic companion.My parents made sure we had it all when it came out the robot gave us about five minutes of fun before we found out you had to have a game to play it with.That was kind of a bum deal so they took it back and got us a couple of more games from the money returned.I remember thinking that was the greatest console to have for a long time.I would beat games like they were going out of style, games like Super Mario Bros., Pro Wrestling, Zelda, and Metroid.8-bit graphics were the greatest back then but I wanted better graphics and harder games to play.
Then the Sega Genesis shows up out of nowhere with the promise of playing actual arcade games such as Golden Axe, Out Run, Altered Beast, and Cyberball.I had to mow many, many yards to get enough money for that damn console.I remember playing Altered Beast for hours trying to beat it on the hardest level it had, and never ever doing it.I enjoyed that console alot I still have it but cant find the power cord for it.I had a vast gameing library for it to, I went out and bought the Sega Cd a couple of years later and wound up takeing it back because it stopped working after 2 hours of play time.Then while working for Wal-Mart(yes I worked for them about 6 months and quit after I got tired of pushing shopping carts.) and they had a display of the new 32x add on and played Star Wars on it during my breaks.
Then there comes the next generation of the king of consoles the SNES arrives shortly after the Sega Genesis and I was dumb enough to buy it just as soon as it comes out with its $199 price tag if I remember right.I hid that damn thing from my parents for a couple of days because they told me not to get it.That it cost way to much,......what can I say I was Timmy to at one time and I thought I knew more than my parents.So I did it anyway, man did I ever get it when they found it.My dad tore me a new asshole big time, and kicked me out for a couple of days.But I be damned if I was going to give up my console that I worked so hard for, so what if my grades in shcool wasnt all that great.I had a SNES and I was the only kid in school with one.I held onto that thing for years and played it even when the newer consoles was comeing out.I just wouldnt give it up.Piss on the Jaguar, the Phillips CD-I, the Neo Geo, the Turbo Graphix 16.I could care less about them I had a SNES thats all I needed in a gameing console, oh and the Sega Genesis for games I couldnt get on SNES.
When the 3-DO came out I bought it because it had games like Dragons Lair and Space Ace available for it, well so did the Play Station, and the Sega Saturan, surpriseingly I bought the Playstation a couple of years later after the price drop.Then one of my cousins bought a Sega Saturan to check it out, then he bought a Sega Dream Cast to spite me for buying the N64.
The N64 was the best console there was for a long time to, I just loved playing Mario in 3D, and KI Gold.I bought games left and right for it did whatever it took to get the latest greatest game that came out.I bought every FPS that came out, every wrestling game that came out with the THQ logo on it after playing WCW at a friends house and loveing it.Then nearly ruptured a nut over the new Zelda that came out for it and its sequel.
After awhile I got bored with it and bought a Play Station to play Metal Gear Solid, then got rid of it, after I beat that game.
Then I saved up and got the PS 2 bought every wrestleing game with THQ on it and every FPS just to check them out, plus it made a semi great DVD player.After awhile I got rid of that to after I bought a Xbox from playing one game of Halo CE.I took that damn PS 2 and every game I bought for it and traded them in for another Xbox so I could PWN my kids at it.Then when Halo 2 came out I stood out in line in shorts and a T-shirt for 3 hours waiting to get my reserved copy of it.Now I have a Xbox 360 and get pissed off everytime it freezes up on me or I cant play an old Xbox game on it.
For me that was gameing over the years.
In a way it was better the graphics wasnt all that much better but some of the games I was playing on it were, I had access to games like Dungeons and Dragons, and a Space Invader clone, which for the life of me I cant remember.The controllers were state of the art to for it, I mean gone were the days of thinking a controller with a single button or a knob and a side trigger was state of the art and hard to get used to.The Intellivisions controller was like a touch tone telephones dial pad.You had little plastic covers that slid into the controller over the dial pad to have more interactivity with the game.A disc that work as the first analog controller ever put into use of a console.Two side buttons on each side of the controller to further trip you up in a game, like playing Football or Baseball on it.The little slip covers for either game used to piss me off so much because they kept falling out when I need them the most.
Then comes the Colleco Vision with games like Popeye, Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, all looking like they did at the arcades, I was so amazed on how well they looked like their orginal cabinet incarnations.I craved these games even more I wanted them so badly to play at home that I just couldnt stand it.But as usual when this new high tech console came out it was way to expensive to own.So for years I continued to play my suck ass Intellivision with the ever thinning game library because of Collecos console offering game makers a better way to make their visions to come true.Then the console that changed the face of all gameing came out and I managed to have it all.
That console blew everyones mind when the commercial first appeared showing this weird robot that was playing a game with the player.The Nintendo Entertainment System has arrived with a optional robotic companion.My parents made sure we had it all when it came out the robot gave us about five minutes of fun before we found out you had to have a game to play it with.That was kind of a bum deal so they took it back and got us a couple of more games from the money returned.I remember thinking that was the greatest console to have for a long time.I would beat games like they were going out of style, games like Super Mario Bros., Pro Wrestling, Zelda, and Metroid.8-bit graphics were the greatest back then but I wanted better graphics and harder games to play.
Then the Sega Genesis shows up out of nowhere with the promise of playing actual arcade games such as Golden Axe, Out Run, Altered Beast, and Cyberball.I had to mow many, many yards to get enough money for that damn console.I remember playing Altered Beast for hours trying to beat it on the hardest level it had, and never ever doing it.I enjoyed that console alot I still have it but cant find the power cord for it.I had a vast gameing library for it to, I went out and bought the Sega Cd a couple of years later and wound up takeing it back because it stopped working after 2 hours of play time.Then while working for Wal-Mart(yes I worked for them about 6 months and quit after I got tired of pushing shopping carts.) and they had a display of the new 32x add on and played Star Wars on it during my breaks.
Then there comes the next generation of the king of consoles the SNES arrives shortly after the Sega Genesis and I was dumb enough to buy it just as soon as it comes out with its $199 price tag if I remember right.I hid that damn thing from my parents for a couple of days because they told me not to get it.That it cost way to much,......what can I say I was Timmy to at one time and I thought I knew more than my parents.So I did it anyway, man did I ever get it when they found it.My dad tore me a new asshole big time, and kicked me out for a couple of days.But I be damned if I was going to give up my console that I worked so hard for, so what if my grades in shcool wasnt all that great.I had a SNES and I was the only kid in school with one.I held onto that thing for years and played it even when the newer consoles was comeing out.I just wouldnt give it up.Piss on the Jaguar, the Phillips CD-I, the Neo Geo, the Turbo Graphix 16.I could care less about them I had a SNES thats all I needed in a gameing console, oh and the Sega Genesis for games I couldnt get on SNES.
When the 3-DO came out I bought it because it had games like Dragons Lair and Space Ace available for it, well so did the Play Station, and the Sega Saturan, surpriseingly I bought the Playstation a couple of years later after the price drop.Then one of my cousins bought a Sega Saturan to check it out, then he bought a Sega Dream Cast to spite me for buying the N64.
The N64 was the best console there was for a long time to, I just loved playing Mario in 3D, and KI Gold.I bought games left and right for it did whatever it took to get the latest greatest game that came out.I bought every FPS that came out, every wrestling game that came out with the THQ logo on it after playing WCW at a friends house and loveing it.Then nearly ruptured a nut over the new Zelda that came out for it and its sequel.
After awhile I got bored with it and bought a Play Station to play Metal Gear Solid, then got rid of it, after I beat that game.
Then I saved up and got the PS 2 bought every wrestleing game with THQ on it and every FPS just to check them out, plus it made a semi great DVD player.After awhile I got rid of that to after I bought a Xbox from playing one game of Halo CE.I took that damn PS 2 and every game I bought for it and traded them in for another Xbox so I could PWN my kids at it.Then when Halo 2 came out I stood out in line in shorts and a T-shirt for 3 hours waiting to get my reserved copy of it.Now I have a Xbox 360 and get pissed off everytime it freezes up on me or I cant play an old Xbox game on it.
For me that was gameing over the years.
- goodolplumber's blog
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