Shared on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 03:57

Hi all,

This is my blog, i couldnt really think of a topic, as talking about myself would end in tears(of boredom)

so ive decided to centre my blog a round an experiment that im conducting the results of which ill post here in detail.

Basically ive activated a 2 month account,to play halo 2 matchmaking.Why you may ask?, well here the low down of why im doing this and what i hope to achieve


For the next 2 months or a 100 games (which ever comes first)  i plan to go in to team slayer by myself,as a test to see what level i can gain.Im actually a level 30 on my main account but to me this number is void, as it was due mainly to good team mates, rather than (in my view)  my own ability, which this exercise is going to test.

In the past i have played level 30s who i think wernt really as good as me(am i that bad???)on the other end of the scale i have played people who are 30s and are really good, beating me and others who i consider good with ease.  Im going to note in these games how people play as a team at specific levels,comment on players general attitude to the game / each other and to note any cheating i supect or have evidence of in these game.

We may even uncover some MM secrets!(map /gamtype selection) who know where this will go.


1.) going in to slayer (and only slayer )on my own leaving teammates up to the randomness of MM!

2.) i wont cheat (obviously)**

3.)i wont quit (if any of my teammates cheat, standbying / modding e.c.t. then i will quit)##

4.) i will communicate and co-operate with my team in all games

** I wont for instance superbounce (i have never bothered to learn!),im not going to wait for host boxes in the pregame lobby or back out if i hear a new map loading.I will however back out in the pregame lobby if i suspect  someone bridging host (if you would like to know how to do this P.M. me X)

##I wont quit a game against modders or people blatantly stanbying the more time i can waste of theirs in a game the less time they have of ruining someone elses game.

Some people may consider what im doing as cheating, i think its a matter of opinion. The moral ( if thats the right word?)  aspect of what im doing ill cover in my next entry.

The experiment has already begun!,ill cover the games and give out the gamertag in the next blog will be interesting to hear your reactions, thanks for reading, till next time


aDub's picture
Submitted by aDub on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 05:03
Good luck with your experiment. You will have alot of fun early on if your experience is anything like mine has been. The guidelines you stated above are the same ones I use when I play Halo online, I just wish these guidelines were practiced by all. I look forward to hearing of your progress in the coming weeks.
Bodaget's picture
Submitted by Bodaget on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 05:46
I dont see anything in your blog that would even hint at cheating, what am i missing?
SkiddyMcCrash's picture
Submitted by SkiddyMcCrash on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 07:09
I reckon its a good idea Red. How do you know if someone is attempting to bridge before the game starts tho?
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 09:39
I will be pulling for ya- What is the GT you are using? how about linking the bungie.net stream so we can see each game details? good luck on 3 levels every 10 games! that will be legendary.
Magnum177's picture
Submitted by Magnum177 on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 12:21
You should post a link to the stats so we can see your progress. Im sure you already thought of that though :) Cool experiment! Good Luck.
Magnum177's picture
Submitted by Magnum177 on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 12:22
Nevermind, I should have read the last sentence!
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 12:42
curious to see how its going, send me a fr if ya need a buddy in mm
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Fri, 04/14/2006 - 14:19
This will be interesting. I will check back on your progress.

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