Well Its Official


Shared on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 08:49
I can only explain the feeling I am having as Mid-Life Crisis. My daughter has turned 14 and my wife is in denial about the one thing all women hate to see coming "Men-on-pause". With all the drama of women in my house, on top of that we are trying to sell our house and have had no lookers in the month it has been on the market. Oh and my wife decides in the middle of all this that we have to have a new SUV, as she explained for when family comes to town we can haul them around. My reply was let them rent a fucking car, I am not a limo service. I thought we were trying to buy a new house we dont need to purchase a car right now, unless it is for me and it is a 2 door sport coupe that I can make a break for it in. I have really resigned just to give up, and hole myself up in the office and not speak until spoken to. Enough of that, I purchased BF2MC and have found that the play is disembodied and sucks.


KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 08:56
Chin up, bucko. Soon PMS will be a thing of the past. I guess. Right? Hell, I dont know what happens to women with menopause. You would think they would be excited for it. No more messy periods. No more cramps. No more birth control pills. Sounds like getting your training wheels off to me. I dont know why they would be depressed about it.
novicius's picture
Submitted by novicius on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 09:12
It tells women they are getting old in a way they cannot easily shrug or laugh off. :| Buying an SUV as gas prices are rising? That is added stress that you probably dont need. If OTOH money is not an issue, then buy the SUV and a new Z06. :)
Cranefolder's picture
Submitted by Cranefolder on Wed, 04/19/2006 - 09:27
If you want to talk your wife out of buying the SUV, explain how it will affect the mortgage rate for your new home. Increasing your debt to equity ratio just before getting a home loan could cause the rate you pay on the mortgage to spike and that could cost you tens of thousands in the long run. If you havent talked to a mortgage agent or banker yet, do so. And ask them to run the numbers with and without a $550 per month car payment. If you can get some hard numbers to show her, you might be able to steer her away from the SUV at least until after you get the house stuff figured out. Good luck man, I feel your pain. I just went through the house sale thing a few months back.

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