Shared on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 16:19

Hi all!,

Well 50% complete (49 games played), i overestimated how quickly id get through it, ;;100 game 2 months ??, no chance more like 2 weeks!.

Anyway, wanted to cover the gametypes and maps that have been played in this exercise so far:-

Game types.

After 49 games:-      25 of them have been map default slayer

                                    9 team slayer B.R starts

                                    8 team snipers

                                     4 team duels

                                     2 team rockets

I ;;know it all adds up to 48 i dunno why??  The actual B.R. starts came pretty thick and fast at the start of this exercise, ;;which i was suprised about ;; the same with the sniper games,team duels which i find a tough gametype,and rockets..... well they are a bit of a coin toss really.!

At lower Lvs i ;;would have thought the gametypes would occur more like map default slayer>,team duels> then B.R.s and sniper settings.

The system obviously doesnt take in to account if your a novice or a pro!,it hands out what ever it think of at the time.

I personally think that sniper and BR gametypes should be at a minimum at lower Lv say to Lv 15 for instance, and the amount of team rockets and duel games dercreses after that Lv15 point,......just my thoughts


After 49 games played, here how the maps are distibuted:-Turf(10)

                                                                                                           Burial mounds ( 8 )






                                                                                                             Ivory tower(2)



                                                                                                             Beaver creek(1)





Alocation of teams.

A small mention on the way the game matches you with team mates. I would have thought it an idea if the game match players entering slayer e.c.t. on their own would be matched with people who were also going in alone, i would have thought it a bit fairer.

I could in reality be matched against a group of 4 in every game and i think this would have been a great disadvatage against the lone player, the best i can hope for is a group of 3 in my team (im not sure how often this has happened).

Maybe this is how it  does work, the only evidence i have for this is the games, which ;;seem to show people generally quit games in 1s and 2s.Which could mean that people joined my games in 1s and 2s

And finally a comment on a game where i actually lost my temper with the opposing team


As per usual, a person quit on each team at the start, the other thing that threw me was, A) smg start???? B) no sniper????.

This game followed the same vain as others where my team where silent assasins no communication at all,team work ....wha?.

The reason why i lost my temper and nearly broke my rule of engagment (i wont quit games)?The team we were against seemed to have a fetish for the Plasma pistol/B.R combo.....out of my 14 deaths at least 10 were because of this, the rest i was simply double / triple teamed (thanks for the back up Red!)

I take consolation in the fact that my lofty 8 kills where gathered by going 1v1 with these guys, on there own they where struggling.

I dont mind the combo being used against me, i can usually side step it e.c.t.,and if need be ill use it myself.

But when 95% of the kills the enemy gets is with this, and the rest was down to shit team work on your side, it leaves you a little bitter  (AW, PUT IT DOWN!)

Anyway that it for now, please post comments or question and ill speak to you all soon.

Till next time  


Anonymous's picture
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Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 21:40
thebrigade's picture
Submitted by thebrigade on Thu, 04/20/2006 - 17:18
I know what you mean about the pp/br combo. Ill use it every chance I get, with few exceptions where Ill pass on certain maps. But, if they have it, and are using it all the time, I turn on my own principles in a snap and quickly forget I use it frequently as well. Ill just get as upset as you and frustrated. Kinda weird how that works. Fair weather pp/br kinda guy I guess.
REDRooK's picture
Submitted by REDRooK on Fri, 04/21/2006 - 04:30
this is the first time ive commented on my own blog!. i seldom use this combo, for the sole reason that its a 1v1 set up, when your going against multiple people like in this game, its redundant, id rather drop a grenade at their feet and mop up with the BR,i got pissed of with them because this is ALL they used everytime they spawned they ran straight to the back of the map for the combo, they day they go against a REAL team, and when there is only 1 plasma pistol on the map they will get smashed.

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