

Shared on Thu, 04/27/2006 - 04:39
Things appear to be looking up, yesterday we had 3 couples look at the house and had to contracts submitted. Well we accepted one that was a $1000 more than asking price, you say $1000 more well they wanted the damn refrig. So starting today there is a 10 day right of refusal for the buyer based on inspection, and if everything goes well we close on the 24th of May. This works out to 2 days before my daughters last day of school, which is a good thing. Also we found out my car had the engine going south and we had to trade it off on a new 06 Passat, VW worked us a deal. But the real kicker is we have less than 30 days to find a place to move into, holy shit I need to find a new house. These are all good things, just all at once.


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