Sir, Please Step Away From The Ice Cream!


Shared on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 13:58

O.k. What is it with Cops? Dont get me wrong, I dont have anything against them as a whole. My brother is a police officer for cryin out loud, but every once in a while you meet up with one who really likes his job (if you know what Im saying). Let me set the scene for you...

Its Sunday afternoon. Its a nice beautiful sunny day. I decide to treat the kids to Dairy Queen, not something we do very often but what the heck, Im in a good mood. So, we load up and go through the drive through so we can enjoy our ice cream at home on the porch. Its a whole 7 blocks from DQ to our house, and as Im pulling up to park infront of my house, I look in my mirror and see a cop pull up and park right behind me. The kids start to get out of the car and then the cop turns on his flashy lights. I tell my wife to sit tight and keep the kids in the car. The officer comes up to my window and says the usual, "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?"

Now, this is where I probably made a poor decision. Remember, I am sitting in front of my own house in my usual parking space, and he didnt even turn on his lights until after I had already parked. So I reply, "Oh, you pulled me over?" ;; ;;To which he responds, "Sir please step out of the vehicle." ;; At this point my wife is getting concerned, the kids are upset because their ice cream is melting and my 5 year old is saying things like, "Oh cool, did you ;;see his gun Dad? If he hit you ;;with his stick, it could break your face." I ;;make a mental note to teach my son ;;that sometimes its a good idea to just stop talking. I ask the officer if its alright for my family to get out of the car, and he says no, they need to remain in the vehicle. I say, "But this is our house, we live here." He looks around skeptically like Im lying or something, and finally agrees ;;release my family from captivity.

He takes my license and registration. I lean up against the fender of my car (on the curb side of the street) ;;and proceed to eat my chocolate dipped ;;cone that has since past its prime. ;; He comes back ;; and says, "Can you step over here sir?" Over here is 6 feet away and practically in the middle of the street. I dont know what was wrong with my side of the car... He proceeds to tell me that my ;;registration is expired and I dont have current tags on my vehicle. I tell him that I thought I just put tags on the car. He says, "Sir, please come with me." We go to the front of the car. "Sir, please tell me what date is on that sticker." I tell him that it says March 2006 (obviously expired). He says, "Dont tell me that you put tags on this vehicle. Lying to an officer isnt a good idea." ;; He writes me a citation and tells me that I have ten days to get current tags. Then I can go to the courthouse and show them the ;;current registration and they will waive the fine. I ask him if the ;;County sends reminders notices when youre due for new tags. He replies, "That is not an excuse for not licensing your vehicle ;;in the alloted time. This citation is not a free pass to drive this vehicle without ;;current tags." ;;

And he gets in his car and drives away. ;; ;; ;;


SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 15:03
Being the jerk that I can be sometimes for the stupid things cops do this is what I would have done :) I like cops but sometimes they can be jerks. They are only human after all. Does your state require your car to be registered on your property? I think only a few states require it. If not then I would have asked him to prove you had the car off your property. Unless he has a video cam running in his car he cant. Also in some states cops cant do stuff if you are on your own property and that might be why he asked you to step out into the street. Since most people will just do what a cop tells them they are trained to do stuff like that. I know most cops are good I just hate it when they abuse their power. Find out what your law is on registration on your own property. Since you said citation I assume there is a fine. If you did forget to register and you want to avoid the fine talk to your District DA and see if it was right to give you the citation on when the car was on your property. If you did register do as the cop said, bring in the registration to get the fine waived. I assume you didnt forget as you gave him your registration and he would have probably told you that the registration date was old too. Just make sure to talk to a District DA before the court date. At least here it was free for me to go talk to one about a speeding ticket issue. The government pays for them :) Why did he take you to the front of the car? Did you put the tags on back but not front? Ive had a tag come off. Not sure if the glue was just bad or someone ripped it off. You get kinda suprised 4 months after you put the sticker on that a cop pulls you over for it.
jtgjr007's picture
Submitted by jtgjr007 on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 15:25
I was obviously driving with expired tags, and he saw me on the street, so thats not really debatable. Its just that his whole attitude bothered me. My brother is a cop is a bigger town than where I live, and I know that he would have gotten reprimanded if he acted like this small town Barney Fife. Protect and serve? More like irritate and belittle.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 15:57
Yeah, he may have saw you but he doesnt have proof. Ive seen that here where you dont have to registration (sincle alot of people like to collect old cars and park them). Its just a way to get out of the fine. That makes it sound like i am trying to be sneaky, well, sorta. But it also knowing your rights and the law to not let cops push you around. Like I siad, I know most are decent (and I am friends with several) but I hate it when I see them abuse their power. Like turning on their lights to go trough a stop sign. I really hate that. There needs to be a law that they can only turn on their lights for an emergency and that turning them on gets logged. I mean, most cops have a computer in their car nowadays anyway. It shouldnt be that hard of a thing to implement.

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