why I kicked you off my friends list, or never accepted you at all


Shared on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 23:46
"wanna give me a blow job?" as a message is grounds for denial. (Well, unless you are shakes)
"U R hot, R U over 18?" as a message
if your clan name has any mention of poontang, niggers, bitches, or any other slander
if you told me to "suck my dick bitch" in the game where we played together
if you hit on me everytime we are in a party together.  (Dan and mike are exempt. They hit on everyone)
If you have been on my list for two months and I still havnt played in a party with you
if you piss my friends off
If your voice is prepubesant
If you play music over the game com the entire time
if you say the word Cunt during the game (sorry, not a fan of that one)
If your friends are assholes, and you repeatedly bring them into my party

really not hard rules to follow. The most often broken is the hitting on one. I make it pretty clear I am married, and I have kids. If you make me feel dirty every time I am in a party with you then most likely Im going to take you off my list. So dont refer to me as sexy, baby, gorgeouse, or hot stuff everytime we are in a room together.

the end


ScottyATC's picture
Submitted by ScottyATC on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 17:39
Interested in a raging STD? (That line NEVER works!!!) ;)
Lonewolf's picture
Submitted by Lonewolf on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 19:12
Well said lady, what Dan is exempt figures LOL.
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 19:12
Am I still on your friends list? Guess I better check! lol
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 19:24
nice, letem know whats up!
RagingBull888's picture
Submitted by RagingBull888 on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 20:08
Line 1 of your blog - Too Much Information. :)
GIJoeBob's picture
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 20:32
U R hot, R U over 18?
DEADSTOCK's picture
Submitted by DEADSTOCK on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 20:36
Wanna give me a blow job? am i on yer friends list?
Umbee's picture
Submitted by Umbee on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 21:04
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 21:17
So are you going to accept my friend request or not? Deadstock has been drinking again!!!!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 21:21
wow...remind me not to hit on you...lmao. This is nice lady :)
Wife_of_F1R3's picture
Submitted by Wife_of_F1R3 on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 23:47
way to go lady!!! you rock.....i promise i wont hit on you...lmao!!
ShakesItUp's picture
Submitted by ShakesItUp on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 00:10
Im the only one who can ask for a blowjob. Sweet. 8) So how about it, can I have a blowjob?
BELDAR's picture
Submitted by BELDAR on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 03:06
LOL nice one shakes! MJ cant possibly still be on your list...
Gazzara's picture
Submitted by Gazzara on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 05:26
Ill reming myself never to say any of that then, my wife would kill me for one......oh wait ..... Im not on your friends list anyway, damn. Send me an FR, my wife might still be on your list anyway.
DanLeCrinque's picture
Submitted by DanLeCrinque on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 07:44
Exemption BABY !!! WOOHOO !

Carpe Diem

Avril's picture
Submitted by Avril on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 09:41
Great one Red! I dont think Id have very many people on my friends list if I held to these rigorous requirements:)
MTK005's picture
Submitted by MTK005 on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 10:16
Great Post! Not sure if I would exempt Dan, but still good rules to follow :P
Rashanii's picture
Submitted by Rashanii on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 10:32
Sorry. LOL.
halo2teacher's picture
Submitted by halo2teacher on Fri, 05/05/2006 - 11:57
You guys can feel free to "refer to me as sexy, baby, gorgeous, or hot stuff everytime we are in a room together;)"

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