Woah, I Have a Blog!


Shared on Wed, 05/31/2006 - 14:57
Wow, my first real blog. Im not sure what to write, really. Ill just say that Im glad to have found this site and have met a bunch of guys that love Halo 2 and MLG settings as much as I do. So far Ive only played in one tournament, last weeks 2v2 organized by Royal. This week Im going to play in a 4v4 MLG tournament with Caesar, Royal, and Icculus in Team Cheese (prounounced "Team Cheeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!"), so that should be fun.

I might write more later. If youre interested in watching any of my vids, good and bad, go to My Box.net account and look through the folders and files there. Later.


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