Shared on Thu, 06/01/2006 - 18:06I have returned from my vacation to Cedar Point.
It was about an 8 hour trip. We got there at 4 pm Monday. We had a few issues with the hotel room at first. The first room they gave us wasnt ready. The sheets were on the floor, trash everywhere, bathroom- UGH (who leaves their poo in the porcelain god before they leave? )- whole room smelled pretty bad. We got another room, which was MUCH better. There were a bunch of Timmies on our floor, but they werent too bad, except one of them thought I was their teacher- was pretty funny.
After a short detour, we headed to the park- only about 5 mins away, which was very nice! The lines werent too bad. The longest we had to wait on day one was about 45 mins- if that. Unfortunately, I wasnt feeling the best. I was feeling a little quesy, mainly due to a long day of traveling and exhaustion. We didnt ride as much as we would have liked, but we still had a good time. A few rides were down, which wasnt good. Overall, not bad. We went back to the hotel, jumped in the pool- got back to the room and found myself watching TV and was exhausted. Eventually passed out at about 1:30.
Day 2- HOT! We got to get into the park an hour earlier since we were staying at one of the parks resorts. Theres something about walking by a bunch of people waiting to get into the park that just makes one feel special. I wanted to go "NYAH NYAH NYAH", but I thought that would just be way too mean. :). We rode of the coasters then hurried to line up for Top Thrill Dragster. 420 ft tall. 120 mph. Its a BEAST! Last time we came to the park, we had to wait almost 5 hours. This time- 45 mins to an hour. We rode front row. It was awesome! Once we got to the back of the park, we figured wed ride the water rides. Normally, whenever I REALLY want to get wet on a water ride, it doesnt happen. Maybe I get my shirt a little wet. The first one was a big boat that drops down and get get splashed (generally these are the rides with the timmies on the bridge above wanting to get soaked, and when they do, they cant believe they just got soaked. We rode in the second row. I was on the inside, my wife was on the outside, since she really wanted to get wet. We didnt want to get our shoes wet, so we lifted our shoes at the big hits. Well anyway, what I thought would be a little water on me, turned out to be a LOT! My shirt was totally soaked and my shorts got somewhat wet. We figured since we didnt get too wet, wed get on the water canyon ride. These are the ones with the huge inner tube that you ride in. I tend to get somewhat wet on these rides, but never that bad. OH I was SOOO wrong. First part was not bad at all. Then we turned the corner... HUGE waterfall, and our seats were headed right for it. TOTALLY DRENCHED. There goes the dry shoes. Later I remembered my wallet was leather(dumb idea). The whole raft was laughing cause pretty much everyone else wasnt too wet. Well, lets just say, they got theirs. A long row of about 2- 3 waterfalls, and they all got drenched. Now it was our time to laugh at them. We spent the next few hours wringing water out of our clothes. Then a thunderstorm hit. Now being wet was not so great. Everything cooled down. Favorite ride, except for Top Thrill, was MaxAir, with was this swinging pendulum ride that spins too- really cool. Timmy Encounter of the Day- we were riding in these gondola things that are on these cables in the air. Anyway, you pass people going the other way. There was a freaking Timmy that went by. He said something like "Hey your door is open, your door is open" Like we wouldnt notice, and also they lock the damn thing from the outside, so we ignored the Timmy. Well apparently he didnt like being ignored, and well after he passed us, he screamed "ASSHOLE!" Was pretty damn funny.
Day 3- Better day. Our clothes from the day before were still wet. We were pretty ready to head home. We rode the things we didnt get to. Unfortunately we never got to ride Millenium Force, my favorite ride at the park, because it was in repair every day. Really sucked! The weather was nice, which was pretty funny since it was predicted by the weather channel to be the worst day.
WTF moment of the trip- We were waiting in line for MaxAir on day 3. Waiting in line was a dude with something around his neck. My wife pointed it out to me. It was a quite dorky looking fellow. Around his neck, I kid you not, he had a protractor. Yes, the instrument in mathematics that measures angles. It was a real one, not one made out of gold or anything like that (not that that would have been any better). And it wasnt even on a necklace chain or anything like that, it was a friggen rope! WTF?!?!
Anyway, it was a great trip, mainly pretty good weather. On our ride home today, when we were about to leave Ohio, it started raining. We definitely picked the best days to go.
Great to be back.
- Pulsaris's blog
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Submitted by twistedcaboose on Thu, 06/01/2006 - 22:16
Submitted by Freud on Fri, 06/02/2006 - 07:07