Lazy Weekend


Shared on Sat, 06/03/2006 - 10:13
Well its another lazy weekend here. My job is pretty demanding so this is my time, as long as my customers don’t call me at 9:00 at night!!
Finally decided to get active here on the site and start posting. I am getting sick and tired of all these nasty people on XBL, I mean why is it when you put a headset and a controller on the hands of a Timmy they just go NUTS! I play Halo 2 last night and ran into some good people, seems the later you play the better. What the hell are the parents doing? Anyway enough about that, I think I may quit smoking, been doing to for 14 years now and I am sick of it.
If anybody has a suggestion on how to quite message me. Got to go now I need to blow something up!!



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