Punman's blog


Shared on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 08:32

Almost a freakin year??

Hot damn, it's been like a year since I added an entry here. Time so freakin flies don't it?? Gadszooks.



Shared on Tue, 09/30/2008 - 08:32

Almost a freakin year??

Hot damn, it's been like a year since I added an entry here. Time so freakin flies don't it?? Gadszooks.



Shared on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 21:50


It's been like forever since I posted a damn blog update. Shit, time is moving way too fast...time to get some thoughts down methinks!! Just not today, due to Halo running my life at the moment. Damn game.




Shared on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 21:50


It's been like forever since I posted a damn blog update. Shit, time is moving way too fast...time to get some thoughts down methinks!! Just not today, due to Halo running my life at the moment. Damn game.




Shared on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 08:22

Bored shitless...5:50am Sunday morn...

I was perusing through peoples blogs, and decided I would finally stop by mine and drone off some bored thoughts. Ever just sit there at times, looking out a window, and there isn't particularly anything going on, but your mind races at like 100 mph and shit? I thought I would jot down some of this shit, because you never know...it may just be a formula to cure a disease, or stop world hunger, or maybe, just maybe, might wake up my wife so she will fix a pot of coffee so I don't have to. Cripes I'm a seriously lazy fuck anymore. How hard is it to make a pot of coffee.


Shared on Sun, 07/22/2007 - 08:22

Bored shitless...5:50am Sunday morn...

I was perusing through peoples blogs, and decided I would finally stop by mine and drone off some bored thoughts. Ever just sit there at times, looking out a window, and there isn't particularly anything going on, but your mind races at like 100 mph and shit? I thought I would jot down some of this shit, because you never know...it may just be a formula to cure a disease, or stop world hunger, or maybe, just maybe, might wake up my wife so she will fix a pot of coffee so I don't have to. Cripes I'm a seriously lazy fuck anymore. How hard is it to make a pot of coffee.


Shared on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 23:55

Time flies like mofo!

Well, I was gonna write in this thing a lot more than I have been, but cripes, I have just been a lazy mofo. I will get back to biz soon, because I have a few choice notes to drone on about. Be sure to check back in the next...oh...six...or seven months from now, at the rate i'm going, for some newer shiznit.




PS. Thought of the day: If you had three hands, where would you want the third one to be placed?


PPS. The answer to the above question, cannot contain words about the mid torso. Sick biznatches.


Shared on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 23:55

Time flies like mofo!

Well, I was gonna write in this thing a lot more than I have been, but cripes, I have just been a lazy mofo. I will get back to biz soon, because I have a few choice notes to drone on about. Be sure to check back in the next...oh...six...or seven months from now, at the rate i'm going, for some newer shiznit.




PS. Thought of the day: If you had three hands, where would you want the third one to be placed?


PPS. The answer to the above question, cannot contain words about the mid torso. Sick biznatches.


Shared on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 19:38


I'm seriously starting to get pissed at the 360. Why you ask? Well, let's see...I am now on my seventh (yea, seventh...aint this a bitch?) one, and it is now doing the same thing the other 6 started doing before they went tits up. First, it starts with a bunch of dirty disc errors. Then, after those become less frequest, I get the white background with "Please place this disc into an xbox 360 to play" message in like 8 different languages. That damn message is about as lame as it gets.


Shared on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 19:38


I'm seriously starting to get pissed at the 360. Why you ask? Well, let's see...I am now on my seventh (yea, seventh...aint this a bitch?) one, and it is now doing the same thing the other 6 started doing before they went tits up. First, it starts with a bunch of dirty disc errors. Then, after those become less frequest, I get the white background with "Please place this disc into an xbox 360 to play" message in like 8 different languages. That damn message is about as lame as it gets.

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