

Shared on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 19:38

I'm seriously starting to get pissed at the 360. Why you ask? Well, let's see...I am now on my seventh (yea, seventh...aint this a bitch?) one, and it is now doing the same thing the other 6 started doing before they went tits up. First, it starts with a bunch of dirty disc errors. Then, after those become less frequest, I get the white background with "Please place this disc into an xbox 360 to play" message in like 8 different languages. That damn message is about as lame as it gets. Then, after a few of those, then damn thing just will stop playing xbox games, and just give me the second message above, no matter how many times I open and close the disc drive. Now, here's the thing...I play the 360 a LOT. But never have I had to replace any console I have owned until now. Every other console has held up with my gaming, except this one, and I'm pissed.

After my 2nd one took a shit, I went out and bought that fan kit for it. A few weeks later, it took a shit. The 4th met the same fate a few months later. Took said fan off, and brought in aa table fan for it. No difference, the rest took a shit too. I have tried to keep it cool, have tried all the other fixes people seemed to have stated worked, and to my surprise, nothing has helped. Is anyone else having this problem? Again, it has been the dvd drive on every one that i have I'm too pissed to be witty this post, so I'll leave it here, as I start to call MS once again for my return box. Muddaphuck!!



DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 23:27
I wish I knew Pun. As you know I am now waiting on my third to return from Texas. I hope it gets back in my hands this week.
MsFreud's picture
Submitted by MsFreud on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 01:26
I think it's bad Ju-Ju Pun.
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 18:21
Please God, please just be punishing them because they are bad people and protect my 360. You know, unlike these Heathens, I'm a good person.... right?
Space_Byrd's picture
Submitted by Space_Byrd on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 10:24
I'm still on #1 baby! Although my fan is disturbingly loud and shakey in mine.
Science's picture
Submitted by Science on Wed, 06/27/2007 - 08:06
Dude I'm on #3. But mine tend to take 4-6 months to crap out. Not mere weeks. That sucks.
LordKerdaq's picture
Submitted by LordKerdaq on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 21:53
Maybe it's the mod chips overheating it :) That sucks dude.

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