Flywalker's blog


Shared on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 02:36


Here are pics of my new gun i just built. I took a Ruger 10/22 and converted it over to a .17HM2.


Shared on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 02:36


Here are pics of my new gun i just built. I took a Ruger 10/22 and converted it over to a .17HM2.


Shared on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 17:51

Cleavage or NO Cleavage?

Well went to my interview today and no cleavage.  (see last blog)   But did get a shocker.  So these head hunters told me that they would take me on as a client.  I asked how they got paid.  They said it started with a $4250 retainer and $1500 after they found me an executive position.   Needless to say I will not be paying their fee.  I think they are scam artists and i refuse to pay up front for a service.  I told them to find me a position and if I liked it and got the job I would right them a check the same day.  They said it didnt work like that.  I asked them, "do you pay for services up


Shared on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 17:51

Cleavage or NO Cleavage?

Well went to my interview today and no cleavage.  (see last blog)   But did get a shocker.  So these head hunters told me that they would take me on as a client.  I asked how they got paid.  They said it started with a $4250 retainer and $1500 after they found me an executive position.   Needless to say I will not be paying their fee.  I think they are scam artists and i refuse to pay up front for a service.  I told them to find me a position and if I liked it and got the job I would right them a check the same day.  They said it didnt work like that.  I asked them, "do you pay for services up


Shared on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 01:58

Either I am bored or there are no "GREAT" games

I am a big FPS fan.  I really enjoy these types of games.  I have tried other types but the only thing that comes close is racing games.  I used to like to play burnout 3 but then I switched consoles.  Well I have been playing a lot of COD4 lately.  Apparently too much, because I am bored out of my mind with it.  So yesterday I went out and bought Burnout: paradise city.   I was hoping to get my game fix from this game until RB6v2 came out.  BOPC has its good points but for the most part, it seems very confusing and not well thought out to me.  It is hard for me to figure out what the hell


Shared on Fri, 02/08/2008 - 01:58

Either I am bored or there are no "GREAT" games

I am a big FPS fan.  I really enjoy these types of games.  I have tried other types but the only thing that comes close is racing games.  I used to like to play burnout 3 but then I switched consoles.  Well I have been playing a lot of COD4 lately.  Apparently too much, because I am bored out of my mind with it.  So yesterday I went out and bought Burnout: paradise city.   I was hoping to get my game fix from this game until RB6v2 came out.  BOPC has its good points but for the most part, it seems very confusing and not well thought out to me.  It is hard for me to figure out what the hell


Shared on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 15:35

2 Mondays in the Week

    Well it looks like this week is going to have 2 Mondays.  I know everyone of you have had a week like this before.  Hell I have had an entire week of Mondays, but that is a whole nother story.  So as I have said in my first blog I am a farmer.  I farm with my dad.  I also have said never go into business with family.  Does anyone see where i am going with this yet!!!   I have decided to quit farming and get a normal job.  My dad pissed me off yesterday for the last time.  I am letting him have the farm and he can do with it as he sees fit.  One old saying will cover the on going battle bet


Shared on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 15:35

2 Mondays in the Week

    Well it looks like this week is going to have 2 Mondays.  I know everyone of you have had a week like this before.  Hell I have had an entire week of Mondays, but that is a whole nother story.  So as I have said in my first blog I am a farmer.  I farm with my dad.  I also have said never go into business with family.  Does anyone see where i am going with this yet!!!   I have decided to quit farming and get a normal job.  My dad pissed me off yesterday for the last time.  I am letting him have the farm and he can do with it as he sees fit.  One old saying will cover the on going battle bet


Shared on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 01:35

Delusions of Grandeur

    Well boys and girls this is my first blog entry.  Hold on to your seats because I plan to share tid bits of vast wisdom with you lucky few here at 2o2p.  It will only take a sentence or two.   I will even try to spell check!!!! 


Shared on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 01:35

Delusions of Grandeur

    Well boys and girls this is my first blog entry.  Hold on to your seats because I plan to share tid bits of vast wisdom with you lucky few here at 2o2p.  It will only take a sentence or two.   I will even try to spell check!!!! 

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