BlackDots's blog


Shared on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 17:02

The Difference

Thanks to everyone who read and commented on my post below. I'm happy that people are so interested in this race. I've decided to continue writing my thoughts about it as it continues. So, if you like that sort of thing, great. If not, you have my apologies.


Shared on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 17:02

The Difference

Thanks to everyone who read and commented on my post below. I'm happy that people are so interested in this race. I've decided to continue writing my thoughts about it as it continues. So, if you like that sort of thing, great. If not, you have my apologies.


Shared on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 14:48

Dear Valve

Your autosave feature in Half Life 2 and its sequels is a great idea, but I wanted to offer a suggestion for improvement. Perhaps you could set it up in the future to not respawn me in front of a Strider with only 50 health left and no room for cover? Below is an illustration of what I have in mind.


Shared on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 14:48

Dear Valve

Your autosave feature in Half Life 2 and its sequels is a great idea, but I wanted to offer a suggestion for improvement. Perhaps you could set it up in the future to not respawn me in front of a Strider with only 50 health left and no room for cover? Below is an illustration of what I have in mind.


Shared on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 23:35

$@&?ing Zuma

A haiku:

Five dollar Zuma
Your color balls stopping a
Halo team deathmatch


Shared on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 23:35

$@&?ing Zuma

A haiku:

Five dollar Zuma
Your color balls stopping a
Halo team deathmatch


Shared on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 14:34

A Digression into a Tangent

I started this blog with the strict intention of only talking about my experience with games. This site being what it is, I figured that subject matter might be interesting to the readers, and could perhaps spark some funny comments or reveal kindred spirits. However, my interest in politics, combined with Thursday’s events in Iowa, are proving to be a powerful combination, and I feel the need to discuss a topic that might fall into the realm of the “serious” as opposed to the “t0ti11y FuN & Aww5uM.”


Shared on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 14:34

A Digression into a Tangent

I started this blog with the strict intention of only talking about my experience with games. This site being what it is, I figured that subject matter might be interesting to the readers, and could perhaps spark some funny comments or reveal kindred spirits. However, my interest in politics, combined with Thursday’s events in Iowa, are proving to be a powerful combination, and I feel the need to discuss a topic that might fall into the realm of the “serious” as opposed to the “t0ti11y FuN & Aww5uM.”


Shared on Thu, 01/03/2008 - 19:37

Why Has No One Told Me About EndWar?

I demand answers.  Answers to questions.  Questions about EndWar.


Shared on Thu, 01/03/2008 - 19:37

Why Has No One Told Me About EndWar?

I demand answers.  Answers to questions.  Questions about EndWar.

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