Bodaget's blog


Shared on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 14:12

Little Milla

She is now rolling over by her self, front and back.  This is good because it is a skill she will use for the rest of her life!


Shared on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 23:11

Don't Jack My Ride

Here is another game play video, the flash transition is just skiping the boring part.



Shared on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 13:26


I thought I was going to get the night off.  The movie I am working on did not ship neg over the weekend because of the holiday, so I should have been free and clear. I told the wife I could spend time with her as well.  Then my employers went and booked another job in, "Bodagets got nothing tonight let him do it;"  dam, I know I asked for extra work, but this is crazy (save me from myself!?! is the lesson learned today!)


Shared on Mon, 09/04/2006 - 13:11

Buying Used!

Ever sense I bought this house I have been finding the most bizarre things.  Every time the previous owners screwed something in, they had to use the longest screws possible, you would swear they were trying to screw right into the brick on the exteriors.  So today I finally get time to take out the garbage sub floor they put in the basement, the rug was full of dirt and who knows what else (the old guy living down there was a heavy smoker as well).  All it was 2x2's and 1/4" plywood.  It had a screw every 6", it took forever just to get them out, and then under the floor they left a tone of s


Shared on Sun, 09/03/2006 - 20:19

RIB Fest

Well it was more like mud fest! This weekend was the annual Rib Fest in Burlington, we get ribbers from all across Canada and the US here cookin up ribs all weekend. It was basically shut down on Sat. because of the tail end of some hurricane rolling through, and today was a total mud Fest in the park. The good part though, the lines were not to long, and the ribs and the pulled pork sandwiches were the bomb!


Shared on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 09:19

Back to school shoping?

A friend at work bought me a new shirt ...

My wife has made it very clear when I can and when I can't wear it

I think I will wear it to my next performance review!


Shared on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 02:57

Kill Tac Yo

Here is my first game play segment, we lost the war, but won the battle ... you'll see



Shared on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 13:24

Screw the krackers

I put crutons in my soup ... F U Krackers!


Shared on Thu, 08/31/2006 - 03:33

Summer Cold

Yep, it hit me, a summer cold, I have not had one in years, I can't stop sneezing and driping, blaah, I feel yucky ... off to bed, ohh, and thanks the members of PMS I played with tonight for the serious ass kicking!


Shared on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 03:18

Video Blog?

I am thinking of doing a video blog once and a while, here is the first instalment, kinda boring (to me anyway). I look at it as a beta test


Let me know what you think, and what you may like to see!

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