LadyisRed's blog


Shared on Fri, 04/18/2008 - 18:00


Enjoy your weekend.


Shared on Thu, 04/17/2008 - 09:53

Well done young grasshoppa!

Andrew had his first soccer game today. Its a day I have been waiting for 6 1/2 years. (I'm a huge fan of the sport, I played from the time I was 5 until I was 16.) His teams name is "the Grasshoppers," and they have practice one night a week followed by a game the same night. It was fun to watch him "warm up" with his little friends, and to do his stretches. (His favorite is the quad stretch where you pull your foot up behind your butt while standing- which is good!


Shared on Thu, 04/17/2008 - 09:53

Well done young grasshoppa!

Andrew had his first soccer game today. Its a day I have been waiting for 6 1/2 years. (I'm a huge fan of the sport, I played from the time I was 5 until I was 16.) His teams name is "the Grasshoppers," and they have practice one night a week followed by a game the same night. It was fun to watch him "warm up" with his little friends, and to do his stretches. (His favorite is the quad stretch where you pull your foot up behind your butt while standing- which is good!


Shared on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 23:39

Happy Anniversary to ME!

look what my sweety sent me. He even got them to arrive on our anniversary even though he is a day ahead of me, and a half a world away. I lurv them.
8 years! Not too shabby huh. Shakes is still my best friend, and Im as excited to spend forever with him as I was before we got married. Now if I could just be that skinny again....


Shared on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 23:39

Happy Anniversary to ME!

look what my sweety sent me. He even got them to arrive on our anniversary even though he is a day ahead of me, and a half a world away. I lurv them.
8 years! Not too shabby huh. Shakes is still my best friend, and Im as excited to spend forever with him as I was before we got married. Now if I could just be that skinny again....


Shared on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 15:00

How very sad...

One of the youth in my congregation was at the beach yesterday. An 11 year old boy was drowning, and he went out to save him. I dont know the details, but the 16 year old from my congregation apparently was swept out to sea. Im so heart borken right now. He was a good kid- one of those who you wish your own son would turn out to be like.


Shared on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 15:00

How very sad...

One of the youth in my congregation was at the beach yesterday. An 11 year old boy was drowning, and he went out to save him. I dont know the details, but the 16 year old from my congregation apparently was swept out to sea. Im so heart borken right now. He was a good kid- one of those who you wish your own son would turn out to be like.


Shared on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:05

Its broken!

I cut my three year old's fingernails this morning. I cant grow my nails at all- they just rip and peal, but the kids grow some beautiful fingernails.
Anyway, I cut his nails and ten minutes later he comes to me and says
"Its broken Mom!"
"Whats broken?"
"My finger!" (which at this point I assume he is talking about his smashed finger)
"do you need a kiss?"
and he shows me his pointer finger (his middle finger is the broken one)
I give it a kiss anyway and ask him how its broken.


Shared on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:05

Its broken!

I cut my three year old's fingernails this morning. I cant grow my nails at all- they just rip and peal, but the kids grow some beautiful fingernails.
Anyway, I cut his nails and ten minutes later he comes to me and says
"Its broken Mom!"
"Whats broken?"
"My finger!" (which at this point I assume he is talking about his smashed finger)
"do you need a kiss?"
and he shows me his pointer finger (his middle finger is the broken one)
I give it a kiss anyway and ask him how its broken.


Shared on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 18:08

Visiting the Land of Single Mothers

So Shakes has gotten the official report on his trip to Korea. He leaves friday AM and will be gone three whole weeks. *insert picture of me crying*
Shakes  gives the nitty gritty details in His Blog.

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