LadyisRed's blog


Shared on Fri, 05/19/2006 - 15:25

Chinese Food

Ever wake up and have the biggest Craving all day? I know pregnant women do, and I know that I do even when Im not pregnant, but do guys do this too?
Anyway, I need some chinese. Not panda express chinese. But the real stuff. you know, the stuff you get from the restraunt that used to be an IHOP.  Where they added a few  paper lanterns, a big fish tank, and a few paintings.


Shared on Mon, 05/08/2006 - 14:02

Good times

Again, I want to thank everyone that I have played with lately for some great games. Its nice to know that if Im in a bad mood, or down in the dumps, that I can hop online and get into a party and with in five minutes, have a smile on my face. Thanks to all you guys that make sure the teams are fair, and everyone is having fun. thanks to the peeps on my friends list for sending me party invites as soon as I get on and making me feel wanted  Rock on 2old2play!


Shared on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 23:46

why I kicked you off my friends list, or never accepted you at all

"wanna give me a blow job?" as a message is grounds for denial. (Well, unless you are shakes)
"U R hot, R U over 18?" as a message
if your clan name has any mention of poontang, niggers, bitches, or any other slander
if you told me to "suck my dick bitch" in the game where we played together
if you hit on me everytime we are in a party together.  (Dan and mike are exempt. They hit on everyone)
If you have been on my list for two months and I still havnt played in a party with you
if you piss my friends off
If your voice is prepubesant


Shared on Mon, 04/03/2006 - 12:48

New Games

I have a new addiction. Unlike all you cool people who are leaving Halo to play the hottest new games like oblivion and GRAW, Im digressing. I spent the entire weekend playing Knights of the Old Republic and Morrowind. Im totally hooked on knights, morrowind is still a shmea, Im not very far into it though. so I might get more into it once I actually figure out how to kill something. Anyway, just explaining my absence from XBL. Dont worry, I will be on later tonight.


Shared on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 11:15

Argh! Women!

yea, I know Im one too, but somedays, I wish I wasnt. Ive been posting on bulletin boards for almost 3 years. well over three years but there was a year gap. But almost three years successively. All my other boards are "mommy boards." The type where all that is spoken about is babies, kids, pregnancy and bodily fluids. They have been a great help to me. Ask me anything about pregnancy and I can probably tell you the answer. I can tell you the exact definition of a 4th degree tear (dont ask), the difference between IUI and IVI, and IVF, the benifits to not


Shared on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 17:43


Ouch! Got knocked out in round one of the OMM interclan tourney. We held our own in the objective games, but apparently slayer wasnt our thing.


Shared on Thu, 03/16/2006 - 15:47

I have to gloat for a moment

As I previously mentioned, Im not that hot at slayer games. Im used to being the bottom three. Ive come to grips with it and I can deal, because I am usually in the top three for a objective game. well, not always, but often enough that I can honestly say I dont suck at them. lol
So back to my gloat. Ive been trying to get my rumble pit score up a little. At least into the teens, so Ive been playing a game or two everyday working on it. A slayer game on relic came up and I instantly groaned inward. "goodbye eleven, welcome back ten" I thought.


Shared on Tue, 03/14/2006 - 15:09

why thank you (can you hear the sarcasm?)

Ive played halo for a little over three months now. Not just XBL, but that is my total halo experiance. I dont have the years that some of you do. I know I suck. Im a highly competitive person. So the fact that I get pwned really buggs me, and I am very aware that Im usually in the last three on slayer games. Do I like it? no. Do I want to play better? of course. Do I feel bad for my own team when we get into a weakest link game? hell yeah!
What really stinks even more is that when I get nervous I play even worse. So If I am playing with people I dont know, Or people that


Shared on Sun, 03/12/2006 - 22:48

In case you dont get enough of me everywhere else...

Im on the boards, I visit live chat everyday, Im on XBL once (usually twice) a day. Now I am starting a blog here. (since apparently my blog Here  isnt enough. Yeah, I know. That one is boring and all it talks about is mommy stuff)
Just in case on the off chance that you dont get enough of Lady everywhere else. Now I am here too. Im going to try to keep this blog a little more centered on Lady the gamer, since I already have another blog that is all about lady the mom. So if you want to read boring details about me the mom. See the other blog. If you want boring

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