I hate dealing with kids OTC medicine. Keeping track of the little cups, or even with the syringe you have to find a little cup to put it in to suck up the medicine after the bottle gets half empty.
The first time I got medicine for the kids from target I was amazed. One of those "why didn't someone think of this earlier!" moments. The little plug in the top makes it so you can just flip the bottle upside down and use the Syringe they give you. A total no mess experience (other then your kid spitting the medicine up all over themselves, you, and the couch)
I hate dealing with kids OTC medicine. Keeping track of the little cups, or even with the syringe you have to find a little cup to put it in to suck up the medicine after the bottle gets half empty.
The first time I got medicine for the kids from target I was amazed. One of those "why didn't someone think of this earlier!" moments. The little plug in the top makes it so you can just flip the bottle upside down and use the Syringe they give you. A total no mess experience (other then your kid spitting the medicine up all over themselves, you, and the couch)
Here is my whiney vent for the day. Sorry, it has nothing to do with gaming and is more on the mommy/female side of things- but its been eating at my brain all weekend.
I hate it when people make judgements without all the information.
Here is my whiney vent for the day. Sorry, it has nothing to do with gaming and is more on the mommy/female side of things- but its been eating at my brain all weekend.
I hate it when people make judgements without all the information.
Shakes bought me Mass Effect this weekend (what a nice husband he is!) and I am SO hooked. Its like the wonder of KoTor with out the annoying turn based fighting. I can see me spending many man hours in this game, and also see myself playing it over and over. I have a few questions about it though, so if anyone doesnt mind me plaguing them with questions please raise your hand.
Shakes bought me Mass Effect this weekend (what a nice husband he is!) and I am SO hooked. Its like the wonder of KoTor with out the annoying turn based fighting. I can see me spending many man hours in this game, and also see myself playing it over and over. I have a few questions about it though, so if anyone doesnt mind me plaguing them with questions please raise your hand.
Remember how I said I like to play pretty games? keep that in mind.
I cracked open bioshock this afternoon to do some achievement whoreing since its one of the only games that we own that I havnt played. I got through the first level with out dying, but Im not sure I WANT to play anymore. I do dont well with the dark and scary. I dont do well with things jumping out at me from dark hallways, and I dont do well stareing at my nasty slicer hand with boils on it. I might just be too much of a pansy to play this.
Remember how I said I like to play pretty games? keep that in mind.
I cracked open bioshock this afternoon to do some achievement whoreing since its one of the only games that we own that I havnt played. I got through the first level with out dying, but Im not sure I WANT to play anymore. I do dont well with the dark and scary. I dont do well with things jumping out at me from dark hallways, and I dont do well stareing at my nasty slicer hand with boils on it. I might just be too much of a pansy to play this.