Waterborn's blog


Shared on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 08:06

2011 12th Annual International Classic Video Game Tournament at Funspot Announced

Just got work from Gary Vincent from the American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot in Laconia, NH that they have announced the dates for the 2011  International Classic Video Game Tournament. Some of you may remember my coverage of the 2009 event and my earlier blog covering all the classic gaming goodness at ACAM.


Shared on Fri, 04/23/2010 - 08:06

2011 12th Annual International Classic Video Game Tournament at Funspot Announced

Just got work from Gary Vincent from the American Classic Arcade Museum at Funspot in Laconia, NH that they have announced the dates for the 2011  International Classic Video Game Tournament. Some of you may remember my coverage of the 2009 event and my earlier blog covering all the classic gaming goodness at ACAM.


Shared on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 13:41

Quick Trip to the Comic Book Store

Since I finally had a day off today, I was able to swing by the Comic Book Store where I do part-time video game repairs to drop off some NES decks that I had re-pinned and check in. When I got there I found this.


Shared on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 13:41

Quick Trip to the Comic Book Store

Since I finally had a day off today, I was able to swing by the Comic Book Store where I do part-time video game repairs to drop off some NES decks that I had re-pinned and check in. When I got there I found this.


Shared on Sat, 04/17/2010 - 06:45

Karen Traviss to Write Gears of War 3 Story

This from our friends over at Kotaku

After penning two novels based in the world of Epic Games' hit series, science fiction author Karen Traviss plunges headlong into the story as the lead writer for Gears of War 3.


Shared on Sat, 04/17/2010 - 06:45

Karen Traviss to Write Gears of War 3 Story

This from our friends over at Kotaku

After penning two novels based in the world of Epic Games' hit series, science fiction author Karen Traviss plunges headlong into the story as the lead writer for Gears of War 3.


Shared on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 18:30

Back To the Water

It has been some time since I posted any water-related content. After perusing a few posts sent to me today, I wanted to share several videos with you.

Fishermen Vs. Seaplane


Marlin Vs. Great White


Orca Vs. Great White


Shared on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 18:30

Back To the Water

It has been some time since I posted any water-related content. After perusing a few posts sent to me today, I wanted to share several videos with you.

Fishermen Vs. Seaplane


Marlin Vs. Great White


Orca Vs. Great White

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