SirPoonga's blog


Shared on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 10:19

MIT Open Courses


Shared on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 10:42

Hot damn!

Well, I got my computer together last night. Unfortunately I made one mistake. The heat sink takes an open chassis fan and I picked up close chassis fans. I will have to dremel out the extra plastic. For now I am using one of the case fans that came with the case. The Antec Tricool fans that came with the case are pretty quiet on their low setting. Medium and high are very audible. I am going to keep one at the top. After some cpu tests I found that when I am stressing the system I can just turn that fan all the way up and the system stays very cool.


Shared on Tue, 07/10/2007 - 10:42

Hot damn!

Well, I got my computer together last night. Unfortunately I made one mistake. The heat sink takes an open chassis fan and I picked up close chassis fans. I will have to dremel out the extra plastic. For now I am using one of the case fans that came with the case. The Antec Tricool fans that came with the case are pretty quiet on their low setting. Medium and high are very audible. I am going to keep one at the top. After some cpu tests I found that when I am stressing the system I can just turn that fan all the way up and the system stays very cool.


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 13:47

Caption This #7

The ol' stretch the arm around the shoulder technique did not work out so well for Miguel.


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 13:47

Caption This #7

The ol' stretch the arm around the shoulder technique did not work out so well for Miguel.


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 11:41

It's here!

Sitting next to my desk is the majority of my new computer :)  Everything but the monitor, speakers, and battery backup.I should have a running computer tonight :)  Newegg has an interesting way of packaging stuff.  The thermal paste is taped to the Office 2007 box.

The heat sink is huge.  I think I will have to get some long twisty ties to support it if I transport the machine.


Shared on Mon, 07/09/2007 - 11:41

It's here!

Sitting next to my desk is the majority of my new computer :)  Everything but the monitor, speakers, and battery backup.I should have a running computer tonight :)  Newegg has an interesting way of packaging stuff.  The thermal paste is taped to the Office 2007 box.

The heat sink is huge.  I think I will have to get some long twisty ties to support it if I transport the machine.


Shared on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 12:49

My computer

I got the power supply.  A Corsair 520HX.  There's a reason all the silent pc review sites say this is the best, because it is.  Damn, not a sound from it.  I also ordered the fans.

Now, here's the current conundrum. I have everything in my newegg wish list.  It's all under budget (amazing how in a month and half the over package dropped $500).  So do I wait for the 1st of the month to see if there are new rebates?  The only thing with a significant rebate is the evga 8800gts, a $20 rebate that ends this month.


Shared on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 12:49

My computer

I got the power supply.  A Corsair 520HX.  There's a reason all the silent pc review sites say this is the best, because it is.  Damn, not a sound from it.  I also ordered the fans.

Now, here's the current conundrum. I have everything in my newegg wish list.  It's all under budget (amazing how in a month and half the over package dropped $500).  So do I wait for the 1st of the month to see if there are new rebates?  The only thing with a significant rebate is the evga 8800gts, a $20 rebate that ends this month.


Shared on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 11:24

Caption This #6

Forget about it

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