Falelorn,didn't you just get your 5th 360 and it blew?
I exchanged the core tonight. It was working but when I put the system in it;s horizontal position in my entertainment center tonight the drive was grinding really bad. This replacement sounds fine, for a 360.
Falelorn,didn't you just get your 5th 360 and it blew?
I exchanged the core tonight. It was working but when I put the system in it;s horizontal position in my entertainment center tonight the drive was grinding really bad. This replacement sounds fine, for a 360.
I got the core. The weird thing is my internet went out for awhile. So when I hooked up the 360 it couldn't connect. Themes and some other stuff must be tied to a box because all my purchased themes didn't show up. They were on the hdd but they were not available for use. It wasn't until I connected to the internet that they became available.
I got the core. The weird thing is my internet went out for awhile. So when I hooked up the 360 it couldn't connect. Themes and some other stuff must be tied to a box because all my purchased themes didn't show up. They were on the hdd but they were not available for use. It wasn't until I connected to the internet that they became available.
I am thinking about getting a core. I asked myself, is it worth the extra $180 to get an elite? So far, after talking with a coworker, I think the answer is no.