Whamolla's blog


Shared on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 10:57

Got My Wrangler

Well, I had to pass in August when even with the employee pricing, I was worried I couldn't afford it.  Glad I waited. 


Shared on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 07:43

Battlefield 1942

Holy crap.  I missed the boat on this one.

On The Office, last thursday they were playing Call of Duty at the Stamford branch.  I came into my office last friday and thought it would be fun to download a 1942 demo and see if it would run on my office computer.  The next step was to throw it on a memory chip and distribute it around the office.  It spread like wildfire.  Who knew I had so many closet gamers.  The game is a blast and I'm 28 years old and I've just had my first LAN 'party' at my office.  We've een playing for a couple of hours each day after work.


Shared on Thu, 10/05/2006 - 10:56

WOW and Oblivion

The other day I called my buddy upstate to make plans for Halloween and another friend's birthday party and he seemed pretty distant on the phone.  I figured he was probably playing a video game while we were chatting.  I asked if he was playing a game and he said yes.  The two of us had stopped playing WOW almost nine months ago...or so I thought.


Shared on Mon, 09/25/2006 - 08:16

Tom Waits

Just like the feeling you get when you find a great video game, I love when I stumble onto some new music.  I especially enjoy it when I show up late to the party and realize that the artist I've only just discovered has a huge catalog of work.  This brongs me to my latest 'find'...Tom Waits.


Shared on Wed, 09/20/2006 - 18:40

The thing with EB trade-ins

I was reading about the Hawaii EB Wii and PS3 pre-order and it reminded me of my constant battle with going to video game stores to trade-in.  I think it can be described as an insecurity.  I think I may be a pussy.  First, I don't use ebay because I am a spaz and, while I am sure it is simple and they've worked out all the kinks, it just seems like a pain in the ass.  So, when I buy a crap game or am just looking to shed my collection for some extra 'cash', i head on down to EB or Gamestop. 


Shared on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 13:15

Our little boy is all grows up

After this weekend, I'll have to change my blog photo.  My little brother is getting hitched.  We leave for VA in a couple of hours.  I'm the a-hole brother that misses most of the rehearsal dinner, but I'll be there just in time to take part in the rest of the 'night before' festivities.  I can't believe my little brother is getting married.  He is three years younger than me and I just had my two month anniversary last night.  Crazy stuff.


Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:39

A glimpse into my addiction

A week or so ago I posted on the boards abotu a PSP game I was interested in.  The game was Armored Core Formula Front.  I have been looking to revive the console and further justify the money I spent over a year ago.  Also, my brother is getting married this weekend so I have some flying to do.  I hadn't gotten much of a response from the community here, but my curiosity and OCD caused me read every review, visit some fan sites, search 5 stores, and order the game online. 


Shared on Mon, 08/21/2006 - 06:28

Or not...

Well, it looks like the grad school loan payments are going to be a bit more than we had thought.  My dreams of a new car are disappearing before my eyes.  We spent most of the weekend evaluating our financial mortality and we realized if I start making car payments, our margin for error would be way too thin.  So, now we are trying to figure out how long a 1995 civic with 147,000 miles will last.  Damn, I hate that car. 


Shared on Thu, 08/17/2006 - 15:00

Time to buy a new car

How exciting...yeah right.

So, my wife's 10 year old Honda is a miserable ride and is on it's way out.  We've made a deal.  Since she has a crap load of loans from grad school, I give her my car and I get a new ride.  Yea me.

Now I get to deal with salesmen, and trying to figure out how I am going to come up with a downpayment.  If anyone has any tips for dealing with these guys, like avoiding them altogether, let me know.


Shared on Thu, 07/27/2006 - 15:28

What a ride

I just got back from my honeymoon. 

The last 12 or so days have been crazy.  We had our wedding on an incredibly beautiful day.  All of my closest friends and family were there.  And I am now married to the most amazing woman I have ever met.  People were not kidding when they said it would go by fast.  I can't believe it's over.  Except for our cake getting into a car accident (it was promptly replaced) and the shuttle leaving a bridesmaid on the side of the road, everything seemed to go off without a hitch.

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