Whamolla's blog


Shared on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 06:49

1 week to go

Im getting married in one week.

Janes family is flying in from Ireland starting tonight, so fun begins.  Its going to be craziness until we punch out and head to St. Lucia next Sunday.


Shared on Wed, 07/05/2006 - 10:39


I am getting married in about a week and a half.

The rest of the world marches on, and I am sitting here at work unable to think of anything else.  I cant wait.


Shared on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 14:43


It sounds lame but Im pretty pumped to spend a night home alone tonight.  My fiance is having her bachelorette party.  Well, its really just a night with her friends, but who knows what those crazy girls have planned for her.  


Shared on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 12:26

1 Month to go...so much to do

What a weekend.

Last week was the week from hell, but it ended with a trip upstate to my old stomping grounds for garbage plates and bachelor party fun.  I went golfing for the first time in years and as expected, I was awful. But we had a hell of a fun time.

After that we boozed it up in our two hotel rooms and proceeded to hit the town. I dont remember much of all that, but I woke up back in the hotel room fully clothed, so it couldnt have been that bad.


Shared on Tue, 06/13/2006 - 12:25

Breaking Point

Well that didnt take long.

A few posts ago I went on a rant about my new landlords. ;; Then I conceded that I wasnt going to complain about them anymore. ;; Well, youve got to hear this.


Shared on Wed, 05/24/2006 - 10:00


I just ran to Target to get a copy of Field Commander.  Played a bit in the parking lot, like a crack addict.  So far I definitely dig it.

Gamestop claimed they sold out unless I pre-ordered.  They continue to try and get people to pre-order by denying availability upon release.  More pre-orders = more pre-release income.  The consumer gets the shaft.

Anyone work for Gamestop, that can explain their pre-order policy?


Shared on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 15:14

My PSP rant

I threw this on the PSP Forum, but I thought I would put it here too, because I sorta feel that Sony may have dropped the ball with the PSP.

So the next gen race continues, and at just over one year old our little buddy the PSP has been all but left crying in a dumpster behind a convenience store.

This years E3 is about 360 games and periferals, Wii, and the PS3 power and price. ;; What is Sony doing to support their infant product? ;;


Shared on Thu, 05/04/2006 - 10:09


Just got some great news last night, and now I have a new profile picture.

My little brother sent me a package with a T-shirt and a poem asking me to be one of his groomsmen.  They got engaged a few months ago, but the news is still pretty exciting.  The fact that my little brother (3 years) is getting hitched is just as surreal as the idea of me getting married in tad more than two months.  Whats even crazier is the guy is getting married two months after me.


Shared on Tue, 05/02/2006 - 08:52


I probably set my goals high with my last entry. 

The truth is, I dont want to bitch about my landlords all the time. 

So, Ill bitch about my responsibilities with preparing for a wedding in July.  Actually, Im pumped.  I mean there is a ton of stuff to do, but it is definitely going to be one hell of a party.  After that, we head off to St. Lucia for 10 nights.


Shared on Fri, 04/28/2006 - 15:28

Worste Landlords Ever


The following is the tale of frustration and annoyance that is my new apartment.  As such, the frustration can bleed through.  Id like to opint out that I am not a mean person, despite how I may appear.

What do you do when your landlords are a married couple, who speak broken and english, and share a brain?

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