DefiantGray's blog


Shared on Fri, 07/28/2006 - 08:06

The weekend plans

Heading down to St Augustine, Fl in the RV for three days to do some surf fishing and relaxation. The ride is only 20 minutes from my house, However gas prices are high and can't do to much. The inlaws will be down there also, so the whole brood of them will be in the RV with us, but it'll be fun  as lons as the lightning and rain stays away.

Favorite Sea Sory #2


Shared on Wed, 07/26/2006 - 09:42

My favorite Navy Sea Stories#1.

So my first three years in Japan were amazing, a total culture shock. First weekend there me and my buddy went hiking up Mt. Fuji, didn't make it all the way up, but hiked half way. A very long walk. We camped out at the base in some campground, the only thing we brought to eat was jack daniels and some rotz crackers. A very friendly Japanese man with his family invited us over for a cook out at his camp ground. He made us white rice, some type of meat and of course saki, which we traded some Jack Daniels for. Interesting night..


Shared on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 07:03

My introduction Part one

A little bio. Originally from the great state of Ohio. (O-H...I -O). Grew up in the NE Ohio where football is a religon. Upon graduating from HS, i found my way in the US Navy. Probably the best career move made in my life. Anyway bootbamp was in Great Lakes, near Chicago. I should of went to Orlando instead, because Chicago was stupid hot in the summer. In Orlando i would have hit by lightning or endure a hurricane, but at least there would be a breeze. Anyway Bootcamp was amazing, got there on a friday, got processed for the haircuts and stuff.

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