DualShock_1's blog


Shared on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 14:34

The first time I met a friend.....

I had been working at Wal-Mart for about 6 months.  I took my lunch everynight at the same place, the Radio Grill.   It was dark and quiet, me and only 2 other people took lunch there.  One was a old guy that didn't bother no one and the second, well he was a little louder.  So one night, as normal I clocked-out went to the Radio Grill, and in walks this other guy, we look at each other and nod (common courtesy).   I seen that he had a gaming magazine in his hand, it kinda sparked my interest but didn't was to impose.  He sat down a couple tables infront of me sideways, were I could see the

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