DualShock_1's blog


Shared on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 18:08

Sitting Here At Work

I sitting here a working going stir crazy, the guy that works with me on Monday nights is like a knot on a log. We don't really talk to each other, much less look at each other. I work at a Water Treatment Plant, so we have a lot of down time, thank goodness for websites like this!!!

I really wished I was on live practicing my rrx, I'm getting decent at it, I haven't tried in a custom or matchmaking game yet. But I did pull in off in a Team Slayer match right after my warm-up session, I guess I done it automactially, I didn't know I done it until after it happened.


Shared on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 14:52

Bragg a little, Rant a little

I actually had a good game the other day, I rather proud of myself.  After all I play with Div.  XX, so when I play with the clan I'm just dead meat floating in a sea full of sharks  .   But anyway, this game was a SWAT game with carbines on Midship. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=627508736&player=DualShock%201 


Shared on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 14:52

Bragg a little, Rant a little

I actually had a good game the other day, I rather proud of myself.  After all I play with Div.  XX, so when I play with the clan I'm just dead meat floating in a sea full of sharks  .   But anyway, this game was a SWAT game with carbines on Midship. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=627508736&player=DualShock%201 


Shared on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 15:37

Small things can be awesome!!!

Well Christmas is over, and one of my presents that I really like the most was a portable CD player with a car adaptor. Yes I still ride old school style with the AM/FM cassette player. I had my brother burn me a cd of some random stuff, I let him pick out the music. And here's a flash couple of flashes from the past.


Cliff Burton is the man!!!


Shared on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 15:37

Small things can be awesome!!!

Well Christmas is over, and one of my presents that I really like the most was a portable CD player with a car adaptor. Yes I still ride old school style with the AM/FM cassette player. I had my brother burn me a cd of some random stuff, I let him pick out the music. And here's a flash couple of flashes from the past.


Cliff Burton is the man!!!


Shared on Mon, 12/25/2006 - 15:00

My Halo 2 Gameplay

I have been seriously thinking about my gameplay, even thought I've only been playing for around 3 months now.  I've decided that I think I'm more of a mid-range type.  Meaning a battle rifle as my primary and shotty, plasma rifle as my secondary.  I play clan matches alot which can get a person down if they forget that they are playing people 10 levels higher and months and years of more experince.  Myself and AgedSANDSHARK are trying to put together a 4 man team that we can trust, one of the 4 is a guy we work with (we'll just call him "Sarge" right now).  We think that the "Sarge will he


Shared on Mon, 12/25/2006 - 15:00

My Halo 2 Gameplay

I have been seriously thinking about my gameplay, even thought I've only been playing for around 3 months now.  I've decided that I think I'm more of a mid-range type.  Meaning a battle rifle as my primary and shotty, plasma rifle as my secondary.  I play clan matches alot which can get a person down if they forget that they are playing people 10 levels higher and months and years of more experince.  Myself and AgedSANDSHARK are trying to put together a 4 man team that we can trust, one of the 4 is a guy we work with (we'll just call him "Sarge" right now).  We think that the "Sarge will he


Shared on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 15:18


I want to wish everyone a truly Merry Christmas.  I was at my Mom and Dad's house last Friday, just looking at the massive amount of present my kids have over there.  Then I was at several other peoples houses seeing piles of presents, ya know it's amazing how people forget the true meaning of Christmas.  I've been thinking about this for awhile now, it's not the quanity but the quality of presents.  And what I mean by that is, does it really matter that you tell someone that you want something for Christmas and they run out and get it?  Or would it be better if you let that person just thi


Shared on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 15:18


I want to wish everyone a truly Merry Christmas.  I was at my Mom and Dad's house last Friday, just looking at the massive amount of present my kids have over there.  Then I was at several other peoples houses seeing piles of presents, ya know it's amazing how people forget the true meaning of Christmas.  I've been thinking about this for awhile now, it's not the quanity but the quality of presents.  And what I mean by that is, does it really matter that you tell someone that you want something for Christmas and they run out and get it?  Or would it be better if you let that person just thi


Shared on Sun, 12/17/2006 - 14:34

The first time I met a friend.....

I had been working at Wal-Mart for about 6 months.  I took my lunch everynight at the same place, the Radio Grill.   It was dark and quiet, me and only 2 other people took lunch there.  One was a old guy that didn't bother no one and the second, well he was a little louder.  So one night, as normal I clocked-out went to the Radio Grill, and in walks this other guy, we look at each other and nod (common courtesy).   I seen that he had a gaming magazine in his hand, it kinda sparked my interest but didn't was to impose.  He sat down a couple tables infront of me sideways, were I could see the

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