Shared on Tue, 06/05/2007 - 13:47


Just to share a little info, I've had a lot of nasal problems over the years and have kept an eye out for a solution. My wife was watching Oprah and she had a Dr. Oz  (hope i spelled that correctly) was on and demonstrated a Neti Pot. I had to order one on line and it has worked wonderfully. You fill it with warm salt water and pour it in one nostril and it runs through your sinuses and then out the other. Just thought I would share. Hint (Use warm water or it feels like your drowning).


Shared on Tue, 06/05/2007 - 13:47


Just to share a little info, I've had a lot of nasal problems over the years and have kept an eye out for a solution. My wife was watching Oprah and she had a Dr. Oz  (hope i spelled that correctly) was on and demonstrated a Neti Pot. I had to order one on line and it has worked wonderfully. You fill it with warm salt water and pour it in one nostril and it runs through your sinuses and then out the other. Just thought I would share. Hint (Use warm water or it feels like your drowning).


Shared on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 13:49


The other night Goatking ( a friend of mine from the Le Mediocrity Website) and I were playing Gears and as I died and re-spawned as I often do I hear a newly signed on player whose on my friends list for some unknown reason telling Goatking That "He is 11th in the world". By tone alone I could tell that Goatking was impressed. Goatking wanted me to kick him, but I had a more sinister plan. The first chance I got on Goatking's team and left Jameymoneybags on the other.


Shared on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 13:49


The other night Goatking ( a friend of mine from the Le Mediocrity Website) and I were playing Gears and as I died and re-spawned as I often do I hear a newly signed on player whose on my friends list for some unknown reason telling Goatking That "He is 11th in the world". By tone alone I could tell that Goatking was impressed. Goatking wanted me to kick him, but I had a more sinister plan. The first chance I got on Goatking's team and left Jameymoneybags on the other.


Shared on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 11:21


A couple of thoughts that occurred to me as I was cutting grass this past weekend. The first being, "How does the peception of time quicken while you play video games?". And the next i is how do peanut regenerate, I mean when you eat them and chew them up , how do they appear in your stool all in one piece again. It was an odd weekend!


Shared on Mon, 05/21/2007 - 11:21


A couple of thoughts that occurred to me as I was cutting grass this past weekend. The first being, "How does the peception of time quicken while you play video games?". And the next i is how do peanut regenerate, I mean when you eat them and chew them up , how do they appear in your stool all in one piece again. It was an odd weekend!


Shared on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 10:47

Then We'll Fight in the Shade

    Just checking to see if others may have had a simillar situation.I took my wife after a coaxing to she the movie "300" which she reluctantly agreed to go see now if you patient you will understand why I say reluctant. We setttled in to see the movie we had been waiting months to see, enjoying a few previews of movies I now will not be able to talk her in to going to, when in marched "Crunch and Munch". I swore to God we were on a swine farm at feeding time, they were eating so loudly I could barely heard the previews. Well fortunately before the movie started they ran out of vittles.


Shared on Thu, 05/17/2007 - 10:47

Then We'll Fight in the Shade

    Just checking to see if others may have had a simillar situation.I took my wife after a coaxing to she the movie "300" which she reluctantly agreed to go see now if you patient you will understand why I say reluctant. We setttled in to see the movie we had been waiting months to see, enjoying a few previews of movies I now will not be able to talk her in to going to, when in marched "Crunch and Munch". I swore to God we were on a swine farm at feeding time, they were eating so loudly I could barely heard the previews. Well fortunately before the movie started they ran out of vittles.


Shared on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 14:32


Just writing to recommend another favorite site of mine go to "http://lemediocrity.proboards51.com./index.cgi" and i think you might enjoy it. Its a group of gamers with the right attitude, on their website it states " Its fun when we winn and funnier when we lose!" That do not take gaming over seriously they just enjoy it. Check it out. and let me know.


Shared on Wed, 05/02/2007 - 14:32


Just writing to recommend another favorite site of mine go to "http://lemediocrity.proboards51.com./index.cgi" and i think you might enjoy it. Its a group of gamers with the right attitude, on their website it states " Its fun when we winn and funnier when we lose!" That do not take gaming over seriously they just enjoy it. Check it out. and let me know.

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