TheFlame's blog


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 20:02

Life on the Hamster Wheel

Long time, no blog :P  Things are much the same here.  Dh works, he games, he hangs out with us.  Dd will be starting jr high this fall, so we are navigating all the preteen stuff that I was SO not looking forward to.  But she's got a good head on her far.  Ds is trying to speak more.  He seems to improve in miniscule increments and you really have to step back to see it sometimes.  His autism has robbed him of his speech, but he's so wonderful in so ways. :)


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 20:02

Life on the Hamster Wheel

Long time, no blog :P  Things are much the same here.  Dh works, he games, he hangs out with us.  Dd will be starting jr high this fall, so we are navigating all the preteen stuff that I was SO not looking forward to.  But she's got a good head on her far.  Ds is trying to speak more.  He seems to improve in miniscule increments and you really have to step back to see it sometimes.  His autism has robbed him of his speech, but he's so wonderful in so ways. :)


Shared on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 23:11

A Touching Story of Fall and HALO THREE BAYBEE!!!!!

I spend sooo much time worrying about bills and the housework and such, that sometimes I forget to STOP and ENJOY my children.

It was a perfect fall evening. My hubby and daughter were curled up on the couch watching football, eating the stew I made. My son was running around playing, happy as can be. The house was warm and cozy. We were all settling in for the evening.


Shared on Tue, 09/25/2007 - 23:11

A Touching Story of Fall and HALO THREE BAYBEE!!!!!

I spend sooo much time worrying about bills and the housework and such, that sometimes I forget to STOP and ENJOY my children.

It was a perfect fall evening. My hubby and daughter were curled up on the couch watching football, eating the stew I made. My son was running around playing, happy as can be. The house was warm and cozy. We were all settling in for the evening.


Shared on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 21:32

Holding Pattern

I have nothing of interest to report. Nothing that would hold your attention. I am currently in a holding pattern. I get up. I get the kids ready. I send them off to school. I get ready. I go to work. I pickup the carpool kids. I drop them off. My son comes home on the special needs bus. I focus on him and trying to get my daughter to get homework done and such. Then if I'm lucky and hubby's not working, I see him and mess around on the computer for a bit. Go to bed. Rinse and Repeat. Pete and Re-pete.

So, now for you,  I will do a dance.



Shared on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 21:32

Holding Pattern

I have nothing of interest to report. Nothing that would hold your attention. I am currently in a holding pattern. I get up. I get the kids ready. I send them off to school. I get ready. I go to work. I pickup the carpool kids. I drop them off. My son comes home on the special needs bus. I focus on him and trying to get my daughter to get homework done and such. Then if I'm lucky and hubby's not working, I see him and mess around on the computer for a bit. Go to bed. Rinse and Repeat. Pete and Re-pete.

So, now for you,  I will do a dance.



Shared on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 19:55


I'm feeling depressed today.  Depressed and hormonal.  I need chocolate.  PMS sucks.



That is all. 


Shared on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 19:55


I'm feeling depressed today.  Depressed and hormonal.  I need chocolate.  PMS sucks.



That is all. 


Shared on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 22:03

A Fresh Start

Why are beginnings so exciting??  Especially when it is the beginning of something you've already done before so that you ultimately know how it is going to work out??

Tomorrow is the first day of school.  My daughter is SO excited.  She is beginning sixth grade - the last day of elementary school.  And it will be exciting for awhile.  She'll see her friends again...she'll get to study Science (her FAVE subject!)...

And then fall weather...Halloween...first snow...Thanksgiving...Christmas and Mimi (my Mom) comes to visit...


Shared on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 22:03

A Fresh Start

Why are beginnings so exciting??  Especially when it is the beginning of something you've already done before so that you ultimately know how it is going to work out??

Tomorrow is the first day of school.  My daughter is SO excited.  She is beginning sixth grade - the last day of elementary school.  And it will be exciting for awhile.  She'll see her friends again...she'll get to study Science (her FAVE subject!)...

And then fall weather...Halloween...first snow...Thanksgiving...Christmas and Mimi (my Mom) comes to visit...

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