Life on the Hamster Wheel


Shared on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 20:02

Long time, no blog :P  Things are much the same here.  Dh works, he games, he hangs out with us.  Dd will be starting jr high this fall, so we are navigating all the preteen stuff that I was SO not looking forward to.  But she's got a good head on her far.  Ds is trying to speak more.  He seems to improve in miniscule increments and you really have to step back to see it sometimes.  His autism has robbed him of his speech, but he's so wonderful in so ways. :)

I don't know if its being in my 30s, or if its just life, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do sometimes.  I know I need to be there 100 percent for ds for him to progress.  But how do I do that and work so that we can pay some of our debt down?  I know I should keep house better, but how?? How do I split myself into all these pieces? Wife. Mother. Teacher. Bill payer. Housekeeper. Therapist. Taxi. and the list goes on.

I think I'm going to end up with mulitple personality disorder....or curled up in a ball sucking my thumb! :D

Oh well, such is life.  Que sera' sera', right?

But sometimes I do feel like the hamster on the wheel.


I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your gaming :)  I know it provides a much needed escape valve for my dh :)


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