Caddyman's blog


Shared on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 07:39

Wish me luck

Well I just finished my 2nd bottle of saline in prep for a colonoscopy.Due to family history doc says I better get in early and have it done. Being off work is usually kewl but this time shit's been interesting. At least got to spend some quality time with the COD:WAW beta!!(as bad with it as I am COD 4!!)


Shared on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 07:39

Wish me luck

Well I just finished my 2nd bottle of saline in prep for a colonoscopy.Due to family history doc says I better get in early and have it done. Being off work is usually kewl but this time shit's been interesting. At least got to spend some quality time with the COD:WAW beta!!(as bad with it as I am COD 4!!)


Shared on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 12:26


Well as previously stated my computer had been stuck in a dreaded explorer restart loop. I was able to get to stop restarting and do some scans. Scanned for virus', trojans, spyware, adware and whatever else could scan for and found absolutely nothing, nada,nathin not one fucking thing!!!!! Soooooooooooo.....did a bit more research and found this is a common prob with various fixes. Tried a bunch of said fixes and what do ya know.......not a friggin thing!!!!! Still had the loop!!!!


Shared on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 12:26


Well as previously stated my computer had been stuck in a dreaded explorer restart loop. I was able to get to stop restarting and do some scans. Scanned for virus', trojans, spyware, adware and whatever else could scan for and found absolutely nothing, nada,nathin not one fucking thing!!!!! Soooooooooooo.....did a bit more research and found this is a common prob with various fixes. Tried a bunch of said fixes and what do ya know.......not a friggin thing!!!!! Still had the loop!!!!


Shared on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 00:52

I knew better......

I very rarely try any beta software but after hearing a lot of good things about Google Chrome web browser I hadda give it a try. Since I had my vista machine I never bothered to creat a limited user account for it....just run as an admin and be done with it. Well thanks to some shoddy security with the new browser I finally picked up a virus!!! Suckers got my pc in a explorer restart loop!! I think I'm close to getting it fixed but have just about run out of gass after fooling with it most of the day.


Shared on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 00:52

I knew better......

I very rarely try any beta software but after hearing a lot of good things about Google Chrome web browser I hadda give it a try. Since I had my vista machine I never bothered to creat a limited user account for it....just run as an admin and be done with it. Well thanks to some shoddy security with the new browser I finally picked up a virus!!! Suckers got my pc in a explorer restart loop!! I think I'm close to getting it fixed but have just about run out of gass after fooling with it most of the day.


Shared on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 11:26

Holiday worries

Maybe I'm paranoid or something but I am a bit concerned bout this holiday season and Xbox Live. Last year Halo 3 & COD 4 killed the service. This year we've got the new Xbox experience, Gears 2 and COD:WAW(which I believe is gonna be bigger than most are thinking it will be) Did Microsoft learn from last year......will this year be another repeat or (gulp) worse ?!?!I suppose only time'll tell.(fingers crossed)


Shared on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 11:26

Holiday worries

Maybe I'm paranoid or something but I am a bit concerned bout this holiday season and Xbox Live. Last year Halo 3 & COD 4 killed the service. This year we've got the new Xbox experience, Gears 2 and COD:WAW(which I believe is gonna be bigger than most are thinking it will be) Did Microsoft learn from last year......will this year be another repeat or (gulp) worse ?!?!I suppose only time'll tell.(fingers crossed)


Shared on Wed, 09/10/2008 - 13:54

Air strike in COD 4 WTF!?!?

On Monday I skipped both jobs to get some disenfecting done around the house (kids fine) well between spraying and laundry I got in a few games of COD 4. While in Hard core on Bog i got an air strike.......dropped that sumbuck behind the walls in back of the map..........1st bomb = + 30......2nd bomb = +20.........3rd bomb = +30!!!!! I really didn't mean to spawn kill.....but I'll take that any day of the week!!!


Shared on Wed, 09/10/2008 - 13:54

Air strike in COD 4 WTF!?!?

On Monday I skipped both jobs to get some disenfecting done around the house (kids fine) well between spraying and laundry I got in a few games of COD 4. While in Hard core on Bog i got an air strike.......dropped that sumbuck behind the walls in back of the map..........1st bomb = + 30......2nd bomb = +20.........3rd bomb = +30!!!!! I really didn't mean to spawn kill.....but I'll take that any day of the week!!!

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