jhnyaplesed's blog


Shared on Mon, 02/04/2013 - 15:19

Another birthday

So d 34 on Saturday, andIreally dont feel any diffrentthan I did on Friday. I did realize a few things. Let me back up and start at  ,odd place to start right. So I  my oldest and youngest sons me, the middle son was at a grafitti run with thier mom. We up and went to Cracker Barel for breakfast, and after my kids left I went to see Zero Dark Thirty. Finshed the day off with a quick call from work and dinner at Red Lobster! I am extremely suprised by some of the people that I didnt hear from.


Shared on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 14:28


  That was an awesome weekend. Got my boys on Friday and we spent the early afternoon with my parents. Then the remainder of the day at the lake swimmimg, and playing. Saturday we played xbox and played outside in the woods. I really need to get some air for my paintball gun. Sunday I made breakfast we had reading time then went swimming in the pool till before dark. Got up this morning and went to the Studio Movie Grill for thier kid movie morning, kids get in for a dollar. Just dropped the boys off with thier mom. That was a fun and memorable weekend!


Shared on Tue, 05/29/2012 - 19:46

Broken controler sydrome

  I remember sitting there in front of my Nes and for the hundred billionth time my lttle man perished by some impossible seeming obsticale or enemy. I like many of you out there cast our blame on the obvious and only plauseable reason we were unseccessful, the controler. I have smashed the button od D-pad with all my might, hit the controler aginst whatever hard surface was readily availible, launched it as far as the attached cord would let it(it did get revenge once as it sprung back and hit my lip) and even gone as far as to accuse the controler of some inannimate mallice for me!


Shared on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 13:07

Im having a zombie problem

  As I was discussing Zombie Apocalypse survival techniques with a buddy of mine. It was a discussion based on what geographical locations in the US provide for the best survival probiblities. Some quite suddenly cropped up in my thinking. Im sure there is an aswer to my question out there somewhere, but I dont have it yet.


Shared on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 18:10

Sitting around sucks.

I was injured at work April 3rd and have been on injured reserve ever since. I stepped off a ladder wrong nad that was the key to revealing a load of back issues. My MRI revealed that my back is a wonderland of issues. Funny thing is after a few treatments from my chiropractor I feel better than I ever have. Now I know that saying things bad about you job or company can get you in BIG trouble! So I will say only this, I can not belive how difficult the insurance company has been!


Shared on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 18:07


  I know its fun and exciting to buck the system and break the rules that have been established by those who came before us. Im am also a fan of questioning and changing when its done to better something.That being said I am trying to come up with and write down a set of life rules I can teach my children to help them along thier journey.so far I have about 16 and barring some edditing I think they are pretty solid.

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