Have you ever have that itch, in that place that you don't want to scratch but you do it anyways?? And when you do, it feels good but so very wrong at the same time. Well, about 30 minutes ago I partook in such a scratch. I think I may have gotten carried away and no it wasn't due to the length or depth of the scratch. It was because I forgot it even happened. See, in the middle of this event one of my co workers came up to ask me a question. I put a halt to the scratching, had a short conversation and moved on with my day.
Have you ever have that itch, in that place that you don't want to scratch but you do it anyways?? And when you do, it feels good but so very wrong at the same time. Well, about 30 minutes ago I partook in such a scratch. I think I may have gotten carried away and no it wasn't due to the length or depth of the scratch. It was because I forgot it even happened. See, in the middle of this event one of my co workers came up to ask me a question. I put a halt to the scratching, had a short conversation and moved on with my day.
MW2, you will be missed. Well, how much you will be missed is debatable but we did have some good times together. One thing is for sure, the inclusion of the throwing knife in this game has brought me a lot of great memories and moments of badassness. So for that fact alone, it is sad to see you go.
MW2, you will be missed. Well, how much you will be missed is debatable but we did have some good times together. One thing is for sure, the inclusion of the throwing knife in this game has brought me a lot of great memories and moments of badassness. So for that fact alone, it is sad to see you go.
Anyone have one of these? I am sure if you did you would not want to comment on it, but I truly am curious about these things. They seem so goddamn ridiculous and I do have a wife that I can basically fuck whenever I want so it would be completely unnecessary to buy one, BUT after reading some reviews, I am tempted to order one up. I mean, listen to what Brad333 has to say.
Anyone have one of these? I am sure if you did you would not want to comment on it, but I truly am curious about these things. They seem so goddamn ridiculous and I do have a wife that I can basically fuck whenever I want so it would be completely unnecessary to buy one, BUT after reading some reviews, I am tempted to order one up. I mean, listen to what Brad333 has to say.
Now, I was gonna post a blog about how my 2 kids are really sick and how that prevented me from playing Reach last night. I was also gonna post how I also feel like ass and how shit isn't going so good in my life right now BUT then I realized thats what a pussy would do. And I am not a whiny little bitch ass pussy. So in the opposite direction and in the spirit of Profanity I bring you hot bitches in gas masks. I feel better already...........
Now, I was gonna post a blog about how my 2 kids are really sick and how that prevented me from playing Reach last night. I was also gonna post how I also feel like ass and how shit isn't going so good in my life right now BUT then I realized thats what a pussy would do. And I am not a whiny little bitch ass pussy. So in the opposite direction and in the spirit of Profanity I bring you hot bitches in gas masks. I feel better already...........
So, as many of you may know I am the Office/Warehouse Manager of a Brewing company in Canada. We are a small company compared to the big guns in Canada(Molson) but we do good business. Here is our new commercial that is dropping on Monday. It is pretty ridiculous, lol.