Cynical_Hermit's blog


Shared on Sun, 11/23/2008 - 14:08

One more thing down...

So my life has been a whirlwind since Thursday.  My grandfather took a tumble gashed open his head...bruised up most of his upper body...oh and he fractured his c2 neck vertebrae.  I heard by I don't know how many nurses how lucky he was just to be alive.  Looking at him I have to agree.  He didn't suffer from any real serious damage luckily enough.  He can still move his arms and legs...they went into surgery and screwed the fractured vertebrae together yesterday.


Shared on Sun, 11/23/2008 - 14:08

One more thing down...

So my life has been a whirlwind since Thursday.  My grandfather took a tumble gashed open his head...bruised up most of his upper body...oh and he fractured his c2 neck vertebrae.  I heard by I don't know how many nurses how lucky he was just to be alive.  Looking at him I have to agree.  He didn't suffer from any real serious damage luckily enough.  He can still move his arms and legs...they went into surgery and screwed the fractured vertebrae together yesterday.


Shared on Tue, 11/18/2008 - 02:22

New Gamertag

I have a problem...I admit see..I am on the first step to recovery....or some shit like that. Oh well...I changed my gamertag...again. :P For those who have known me for awhile...I know all of you are probably just shaking your head in wonder. So I am now going by IllusoryPhoenix on Xbox Live.

I even made a new sig to go with :P




Shared on Tue, 11/18/2008 - 02:22

New Gamertag

I have a problem...I admit see..I am on the first step to recovery....or some shit like that. Oh well...I changed my gamertag...again. :P For those who have known me for awhile...I know all of you are probably just shaking your head in wonder. So I am now going by IllusoryPhoenix on Xbox Live.

I even made a new sig to go with :P




Shared on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 10:48

This would be cool...

So I was wandering about the web looking for a cool full moon image for a sig I am working on and got distracted by a cabinet with a glowing full moon on it..which I just thought was kind of cool so I clicked on it..turned out to be a weird custom furniture type site..kept clicking along on things that interested me until finally I fount my way here  Now...I just think this would be sweet.  Not for a secret passage..the page I found linking this site had this gorgeous bookcase that came out and behind was a hug


Shared on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 10:48

This would be cool...

So I was wandering about the web looking for a cool full moon image for a sig I am working on and got distracted by a cabinet with a glowing full moon on it..which I just thought was kind of cool so I clicked on it..turned out to be a weird custom furniture type site..kept clicking along on things that interested me until finally I fount my way here  Now...I just think this would be sweet.  Not for a secret passage..the page I found linking this site had this gorgeous bookcase that came out and behind was a hug


Shared on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 09:58

Just have to laugh

So I check in with my folks today and I just had to laugh.  I actually went to bed before they did last night.


Shared on Thu, 11/13/2008 - 09:58

Just have to laugh

So I check in with my folks today and I just had to laugh.  I actually went to bed before they did last night.


Shared on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 11:13

Made it to 50 on Horde

So I made it to 50 on horde 2 nights ago.  Then last night I was with a different group and we marched from 1-50 with only a few deaths...  Now, maybe it is the fact we are getting used to the controls or the game play, but it just seems to me that once you hit 50...its all easier.  Kinda like stealing quarters from the parents coin jar as a kid even as you hear the ice cream truck pullin around the corner onto your block.  That first time just seems impossible...then after you do it...and have that sweet reward...the next time is just so much easier.  Until the folks found out and grounded


Shared on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 11:13

Made it to 50 on Horde

So I made it to 50 on horde 2 nights ago.  Then last night I was with a different group and we marched from 1-50 with only a few deaths...  Now, maybe it is the fact we are getting used to the controls or the game play, but it just seems to me that once you hit 50...its all easier.  Kinda like stealing quarters from the parents coin jar as a kid even as you hear the ice cream truck pullin around the corner onto your block.  That first time just seems impossible...then after you do it...and have that sweet reward...the next time is just so much easier.  Until the folks found out and grounded

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