XeroHour's blog


Shared on Tue, 03/10/2009 - 23:43

I'm a Killzone Commando too!!

Just joined the Killzone Commandos PS3 clan. Very cool. I haven't played much KZ2 online, but it's a lot of fun. The big plus in this situation is that a few 2old2pwn members are also in this clan too. Hope KZ2 doesn't interfere with 2old2pwn. So far, it doesn't


Damm, I still haven't uploaded a pic of me, I'll get right on it.



Shared on Sat, 03/07/2009 - 11:48

I'm a 2old2pwn member!!!

 Great news. Finally a member of 2old2pwn. They're a great fit for me. There's never any pressure to game all the time, or to win when playing together. I love it. I can just sit back, drink a few brews, and nobody gets pissed if we lose the flag while I'm pissing in the bathroom.   This is just the kind of ship of fools I was looking for.


Shared on Sat, 03/07/2009 - 11:48

I'm a 2old2pwn member!!!

 Great news. Finally a member of 2old2pwn. They're a great fit for me. There's never any pressure to game all the time, or to win when playing together. I love it. I can just sit back, drink a few brews, and nobody gets pissed if we lose the flag while I'm pissing in the bathroom.   This is just the kind of ship of fools I was looking for.


Shared on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 11:48

Catching Up

Sorry, but I've been offline for the last week or so. I've been catching up with a t.v. show I've been recording for a while. A japanese melodrama named Atsuhime. It came to its final conclusion last week, and I've just been catching up. I guess I'll have some more free time now. :-) Hope I'm still a 2old2pwn Recruit.




Shared on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 11:48

Catching Up

Sorry, but I've been offline for the last week or so. I've been catching up with a t.v. show I've been recording for a while. A japanese melodrama named Atsuhime. It came to its final conclusion last week, and I've just been catching up. I guess I'll have some more free time now. :-) Hope I'm still a 2old2pwn Recruit.




Shared on Tue, 02/17/2009 - 19:39

Meeting Up

I'm a night owl, so I tend to be online late at night, Midnight  and later (PST). This means I rarely see anybody from my recruiting clan 2old2pwn online at the same time as me. I don't know how I'm gonna get to play with any of the recruiters if they're not online at the same time as me. But I'll just take my time and let it all work it self out. 


Shared on Tue, 02/17/2009 - 19:39

Meeting Up

I'm a night owl, so I tend to be online late at night, Midnight  and later (PST). This means I rarely see anybody from my recruiting clan 2old2pwn online at the same time as me. I don't know how I'm gonna get to play with any of the recruiters if they're not online at the same time as me. But I'll just take my time and let it all work it self out. 


Shared on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 12:49

Which Clan??

 Got invited to join two separate clans. Problem?  Kinda. Both are a great fit for my personality. But I'm not sure I could keep up with both. The cool thing is both meet on different days. 2old2pwn meets TUE and THUR, and 2old4Timmy meets every MON, WED, and FRI. So theoretically  I could join both and one wouldn't interfere with the other. But I could be wrong. I think I'll try one out first, if it works out I might try to add the other later on.



Shared on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 12:49

Which Clan??

 Got invited to join two separate clans. Problem?  Kinda. Both are a great fit for my personality. But I'm not sure I could keep up with both. The cool thing is both meet on different days. 2old2pwn meets TUE and THUR, and 2old4Timmy meets every MON, WED, and FRI. So theoretically  I could join both and one wouldn't interfere with the other. But I could be wrong. I think I'll try one out first, if it works out I might try to add the other later on.



Shared on Wed, 02/11/2009 - 04:59

Newbie Post

I'm new here so I guess I'll have to post at least one message. 

I'll probably never post again, ('cause I'm lazy about posting on blogs; I have 2 other blogs I never post on either) so I'll just give you guys  the important bits.


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